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groove tubes

Help! Groove Tubes 6TM Power Supply cable Pin out schematic/ ADAT Elco to 1/4" snaKes

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Submitted by Jack Dupp on Sun, 03/27/2011 - 19:04

I have an old Groove Tubes 6TM mic with the PS1 Vacuum tube power supply. The mic end looks like the Groove Tubes EC7 cable in that it has a 7-pin connector. The power supply end looks like an 9-pin ADAT sync connector almost like a vga computer display connector. I am in need of the pin out configuration so that I can build one or a source to purchase one.

Groove Tubes ViPre

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Submitted by Jeemy on Wed, 03/24/2010 - 17:58

Are these still going about? I'm not looking hard, but I am looking for something to expand palette and I've had designs on a ViPre for some time.

I'd be looking to work with the variable input, my mics are in my sig but I'd be looking at the obvious ones, Royer, Neumann, Coles, CO - would this be a good purchase for me?

Groove Tubes Supre

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Submitted by anonymous on Sun, 01/06/2008 - 23:36

Ok, I am still a little crazy so bear with me. As most know I am a tube freak. I own a few preamps and one is an ADL 600. Anyways, I just read a review on Mix saying how forgiving and thick the Supre sounds. I also saw the specs and was quite impressed; acutally really impressed!

anyone know about a groove tubes 5sm condenser

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Submitted by anonymous on Mon, 06/05/2006 - 11:11

I'm trying to find some info on a groove tubes 5sm condenser mic. I'm picking up a lot of mics from a guy who closed down his studio and this mic is in the batch. i'm not familier with it at all and have know idea what it is worth. I set up all 9 mics and recorded some guitar. Haven't got to sit down and listen to it yet.