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When is recording at 192 kHz necessary?

What sample rates are people using to record? I want to use more than 44.1, probably 96 kHz. What is the audible difference between 96 and 192, and when, if, is 192 kHz recording necessary?

Later I will be recording audio for video and if 48 is standard for dvds, should I keep it there for syncing purposes? Will there be any advantage to recording at the higher rates for video?

Pro Tools 8 Sample Rate 48khz playing slow

I've been recording in the studio at 48khz/24 on a mac running Pro Tools 9. I want to do some additional tracks at home on my Sony Viao Windows 7 running Pro Tools 8. I've tried opening the session and it gives me messages about plugins not available, that's ok, but then it is playing slow. So, I tried making a new session at 48khz and importing the files but it's still slow. any ideas?

M-Audio Fast Track Ultra always resets to 44.1khz when recording in Logic 9?

I'm using my M-Audio Fast Track Ultra with Logic Pro 9, and it seems to be limited to a 44.1khz sample rate for some reason? If I go in the Audio MIDI setup utility on my macbook pro, I can set the sample rate for the Fast Track there to the maximum (96khz). I can also do the same in the Fast Track's control panel software.


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