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*one* piece of gear to mix through in my ITB studio

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Submitted by anonymous on


i have a decent InTheBox studio based around digital performer and a handful of, what i feel, are quality plug ings (UAD-1, Sony oxford, URS)... however, i've been talking to friends of mine about the difference in ITB bouncing down a final mix... vs. outputting the mix into a piece of analog and back into a digital recorder.

how can I make this mix better?

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Submitted by anonymous on

I've already decided that I want to rerecord the rhythm guitars because they just have a bit too much fizz in them that I can't seem to eq out. But, my bigger concern (call it frustration), is that I've literally spent hours upon hours trying so many different Micing combinations to get that in your face rhythm sound and it's just not there.

Got a good mix but levels are low...

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Submitted by anonymous on

I am producing a demo for a local band and have a decent mix for them on CD. I put the disc in and compared it to other bands of the same genre and found the levels were pretty low in comparison. What techniques can I use post-mix to get the levels up? I am new to all of this if you can't tell.

Here is an mp3 of the mix.

Overall mix loudness? How do I know?

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Submitted by anonymous on

I am new to recording. In fact I have only recorded 1 band with my DAW equipment. I feel like I have got some good results from my recording, however, after comparing it to other CD's of the same genre mine seems to be a little lower in volume. I know this is a mastering technique but I can't seem to figure out how to boost my volume of the overall mix without clipping something.

Soundcraft Spirit vs. . Allen & Heath Mix Wizard

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Submitted by anonymous on

Hi folks, want to ask advice, which one is better. I'm goint to buy one of those used, for around 500 UKP. I'm more into electronic music with deep basses and chicky vocals. Sound sources are Akai/Emu samplers, some Logic/VST synths, vocals from Logic, through PreSonus Firebox interface (which i dont have yet :).

Final Mix Level

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Submitted by anonymous on

Hi everyone, I have the following question. Why do my mixes always sound lower than any song on a CD? I have to pump the volume a little bit more in order to hear my final mixes at the same CD level. The Master is always set in such away that the level in the meter is good enough, or close to 0db, sometimes a little bit more.