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How Loud Should a Mix Be Before Sending to Master?

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Submitted by anonymous on

Quick question...

How many db's should a final mixdown usually be around before sending out to be mastered? Should it be mixed as hot as possible? Like just before clipping?

Or should there be a fair amount of room left so the mastering engineer has a lot of space to work with...

Any suggestions would be great! Thanks!

making a mix big... not loud

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Submitted by anonymous on

I'm working on my own project right now and I have one song almost done. But when I compare it to a reference CD, the reference CD song just seems much bigger. I panned my rhythm guitars hard right and left and tried to create stereo seperation, bass and lead down the middle and drums panned somewhat wide. Even doing that doesn't seem to make it sound much wider.

vocal mix tips and tricks

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Submitted by osmuir on

i'm about to do a demo mix for a client i really, really want to get. his voice is great and vocals are well tracked, so how about some mixing tips and tricks to get a great and interesting vocal sound?

i'm using a digi 002 and i have the Wavesplatinum bundle, altiverb, the digi 002 bomb factory bundle and vocalign at my disposal, as well as a distressor outboard.