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Mobile studio in depth questions.

Hi. So I took up a black friday deal and got a good core i7 laptop for cheap. Unfortunately all laptops now have 3.0 usb and no firewire possibilities, which makes my bandmates nice Focusrite sapphire useless to me. I still have a 2 channel emu 2.0 interface that's working well for my midi triggering vst's and 2 channel recording. I would like to have multi-channel for live drums.

Anyone Have Experience With the Firestudio Mobile?

I have an oldish Firepod circa 2006 which is on its last leg. It's the 8 input one, kind of like the newer Firestudio. I don't record drums and have no need for 8 inputs anymore. I obviously want to stick with firewire connectivity for the speed and could be fine with just 2 inputs, so I'm curious what people are saying about the Firestudio Mobile?

The myth of mobile recording with Firewire audio interfaces

Why is it that many manufacturers of firewire audio interfaces advertize that they are bus powered and thus good for field recording, when virtually no notebooks come with 6 pin firewire connects? I think except for a Mac or two, virtually all pc's are 4 pin, and I am almost certain that they must be 6 pin to provide power.