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Prism ADA-8XR multi-channel modular AD/DA converter

This is definitely on my wish list for next year. Thanks for pointing me to this Greener.
Its pricy ( 13,305.00) but looks like it has everything one would want in a high-endconverter. Take those Cubase or Sonar DAW systems to a new level.

Has anyone had any experience with this beauty? Is there anything else out there that comes close to the ADA-8XR?


multi-track recording

First off,..not sure if this is where this post should be,..if not..just let me know.

also, very glad I found/joined this forum.

I am a songwriter mainly,..and am looking at getting a digital recorder along with a Dr. Rhythm drum machine.

Let me state that I dont care from puter recording..the more I can stay away fromt he puter the better for me.

HD16CD - Digital Multi-Track Recorder ... Good/Bad?

Hi there. Currently I am recording my my PC's Sound Card and lately have began to realise that I can not capture the true essence of the quality. So, I am looking at getting something good for recording.
Has anyone ever used the ZOOM HD16CD?

Right now, for the price that I am looking for, it has been the best.


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