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The Aspiring Musicians New Job!

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Submitted by Peoplesindustry on

People's Industry is a new self promotional social networking website that offers aspiring musicians several opportunities to expand and market their music. While they are doing so they also have the chance to win money each month if they are a paid member. Artists have the option to be able to sell their songs and keep all the profits.

Mixing Music

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Submitted by kb7 on

In terms of mixing rap vocals, I am wondering if I could possibly do this myself once I get better at it, or if it is much better to just pay to have it done. Some guy at a local studio said he'd do it for $400 per song and there is no way I'm doing that.

Musicians who offer their talents for FREE for movie "credit"

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Submitted by Dr_Willie_OBGYN on

Why do musicians slave themselves for FREE (or for peanuts) just to get their name in a credit roll? I can tell you after having produced a movie that I could CARE LESS what credits (if any) someone has. There's only 2 things I care about: 1) Is the song what I'm looking for and is the quality up to par, and 2) How cheaply can I license it for? Is it within my budget?

How much do network TV shows pay for music?

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Submitted by Dr_Willie_OBGYN on

I am thinking about releasing some royalty free music similar to what does. I would sell perhaps 10 songs on CD for $50.00 (or something like that) for use in 1 production, provided that the music is not used for a show on MTV, Discovery Channel, History Channel, or other show that is not indie. But how much do these shows pay for music?

Im looking for a music program thats easy to understand for vocals!

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Submitted by MithraPhoenix on

Hello everyone. I'm kind of a n00b here, but my interests are very high, so please excuse my inexperience. I don't even know if I'm in the right forum, but I'm looking for a music program that is:

A) reasonably easy to get into and understand

B) has a variety of options

c) Has the capability to record my vocals

What music software is easy to use to make beats for vocal recording?

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Submitted by MithraPhoenix on

Hello everyone. I'm kind of a n00b here, but my interests are very high, so please excuse my inexperience. I don't even know if I'm in the right forum, but I'm looking for a music program that is:

A) reasonably easy to get into and understand

B) has a variety of options

c) Has the capability to record my vocals