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(Everybody) How did u beat the "New Studio" proble

Hows everyting all? Im at that point wit my studio that I have built up a decant studio. Have gotten a slight name on the streets. How have yall promoted yall studiosand solved the "new studio" dilemma? I did 3 mixtapes basically for free for 3 different artists. Then a mixtape for my studio featuring me and my boyz rapping, gave it away for free with the studio name and contact.

(Everybody) How did u solve the "New Studio" promo

Hows everyting all? Im at that point wit my studio that I have built up a decant studio. Have gotten a slight name on the streets. How have yall promoted yall studiosand solved the "new studio" dilemma? I did 3 mixtapes basically for free for 3 different artists. Then a mixtape for my studio featuring me and my boyz rapping, gave it away for free with the studio name and contact.