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[Help Thoughts & Opinions]2 PreSonus StudioLive 16.4.2 Digital Mixers Daisy Changed

Hey everyone I have a question and would like some opinions and thoughts on the idea. Since I've started my music production career,my studio has been mixer less, but now I'm looking to replace my M-Audio 2626 Audio Interface and a few PreSonus Studio Channels with 2 daisy chained PreSonus StudioLive 16.4.2 Digital Mixer's.

CD Architect 5 opinions?

I'm getting annoyed with my CD burning freeware and looking to buy a "grownup" product. CD Architect has more than I need, but I might put out some "home mastered" disks in the future and programs like Roxio and Nero seem to be bloated with "easy to use" video editing. There were good reviews of CD Architect a few versions ago - is it still top of the heap? Anyone out there using it?

Focusrite Saffire PRO24 - reviews/opinions?

Due to the strength of the Australian dollar at the moment I can get a Focusrite Saffire PRO24 for an awesome price. Does anyone reading this use one? Can anyone encourage or discourage me in buying one? Any criticisms or weird incompatibilities anyone knows about. I'd be using it with an intel q6600 cpu PC, 4GB Ram, Windows 7 using Reaper as my DAW.

Opinions sought on the reasonable maximum degree of variation when using EQ

I recently recorded an acoustic guitar track that has great mids and high-end , but was very bass shy. I could make the track sound more complete by using a really broad bass boost that was on the order of 18dB at the lowest frequencies, falling ski slope style to normal at the low mids.

It sounded good, but my intuition was that this was too much use of EQ.


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