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Overhead choice for LOUD or LIVE performance drummers?

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Submitted by slave on Thu, 09/10/2020 - 03:01

Hi everyone,

Over the years I've gradually taken on the job of *the guy who records stuff* in the three bands I play in.
My setup is focused on staying portable and leaning towards fast/easy to setup and break down, with all of my mics plugging into a Zoom Livetrak L-20. I don't own any ribbons or tube mics, and unlikely to in the short term.

Land of Overhead Placements

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Submitted by Chris Perra on Mon, 09/07/2015 - 20:03

I did some testing of various Oh placements. My room has a low ceiling 6'3 and I find I'm getting some kind of weird comb filtering if I set up OH's to close to the ceiling even though it's completely dead, it's insulation with fabric over it.. not a deliberate treatment setup. Here's some examples of random playing.

It appears as though I've run out of mp3 power.

My daughter's wedding ceremony overhead mics

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Submitted by vibrations1951 on Wed, 08/07/2013 - 18:04

My daughter asked me to help out with her outdoor wedding. Among other things she needs me to do, I need to mic the minister and the happy couple. I don't have lavalieres and don't want to mess with cordless rigs. I'll be running the mics through a Mackie vlz pro 16, using the mixer pres.

Suggestions for inexepensive drum overhead mics

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Submitted by lambchop on Mon, 03/26/2012 - 13:34

So; I have around $300-400 that I can spend on purchasing some drum overheads for my home studio. I'd like to replace the cheap MXL 603's that I've been using with, I guess, "less" cheap ones. I've been reading some interesting things on different sites about the Avantone CK-1's and the Kel KM-1's.

SDC for overheads

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Submitted by ChrisH on Wed, 02/08/2012 - 12:12

I'll be getting a pair of good small diaphragm condensers, here in a couple months.
Would like those of you with experience with these mics to describe how there character in sound.
They'll be used as overheads to track drums for all genres, and they'll be my main SDC's