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U2 live drum overheads

I went to a U2 concert on Friday and I saw that they were using Audio-Technica drum overheads. Does anyone know which ones they use?

Everyone else was looking at the stage show, but I was looking at the mics -am I ill?

Anyway, the reason I ask is that they always have an amazing live drum and bass sound -I love that feeling of being slammed against a brick wall!

Electro-Voice RE11,what's it good for? B1 overhead? 58vs57?

this is a mic from the 70s...looks nearly identical to the RE16, but slightly squared off on the top of the grille. I inherited one of these my minimal testing I've found it sounds great on guitar amp for an aggressive, focused syd barrett type sound. wasn't thrilled on voice.

does anybody love these for certain applications? like would it sound good on a snare drum?

Drum Overheads

I have read several posts on this subject, and based on my budget (which ain't much) I have decided on these two opitons:

Kel HM-1 matched pair
MXL 603s matched pair

Would anyone be willing to offer an opinion on these two mic.s, or an option that I should consider.



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