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A preamplifier, also known as a preamp, is an electronic amplifier that converts a weak electrical signal into an output signal strong enough to be noise-tolerant and strong enough for further processing, or for sending to a power amplifier and a loudspeaker. Without this, the final signal would be noisy or distorted.

TC Electronic Gold Channel


i have an opportunity to pick up an TC electronic Gold Channel for 750 bucks in perfect shape. i have never heard one before and will not really have a chance to try it.

i am looking for another Pre to go with my M5 and this will give me a stereo option

if anyone has used this i would love a review of it and whether or not 750 is a good deal


first "nice" preamp groove tubes "brick"

So i got the brick the other day and i only had a chance to work with it at a friends studio since all my gear is on location where I am doing recording for a band. We ran an AKG c1000 thru the brick on acoustic guitar and on vocals. We ran the signal straight from the brick into his aardvark and also thru the board into the aardvaark for additional gain.

PREAMP Questions

I just converted my studio to digital ... and I am looking for advice on my pre-amp setup. I have 2 Focusrite octepre's, I am being told that I should just use them and that I basically have no need for me AMEK 9098 and my Focusrite Voicebox MKII.

I am assuming that is correct, just wanted to get your opinion prior to putting them on eBay.

Thanks All !


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