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Radial JCR reamp box - noise problem anyone?

Submitted by sharkfistsound on Sat, 09/15/2012 - 13:39

Hey everybody i just embarked on my first reamping episode, sending my d.i. out through my PreSonus audiobox, into the XLR input on my jcr reamp box, then the output of the reamp box hitting my mic'd up peavey 6505+. I was getting an okay tone but the amount of noise coming from it makes the tone unusable.

Cubase 6 external sequencing problem

Submitted by saugy on Sun, 07/01/2012 - 10:16

Hello I have a QY700 external sequencer to control cubase. I record midi tracks into qy700 and play vst instruments inserted in differents tracks in Cubase 6. I set up the transformer in each midi track in Cubase to filter each track received from the qy, so that midi track 1 in Cubase play midi track 1 from qy, midi track 2 in Cubase play midi track 2 from qy, etc..

T-Racks 3 Deluxe running individual plugins in Pro Tools 6.9, Graphics problem

Submitted by rocker73 on Mon, 05/21/2012 - 02:46

Just bought T-Racks 3 Deluxe, it runs fine standalone but when i insert a single plugin on a Pro Tools Track some of the graphics
are missing.

The Ikmultimedia site FAQ says try setting graphics to 16 bit which i have done and if not try updating graphics driver which i will do, but if
i can see the graphics in stand alone mode why cant i see them in pro tools?