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Seems Like Such a Simple Problem

Submitted by Divadavid on Sat, 12/31/2011 - 06:13

But it's wracking my brain...
I'm music conducting a musical called Next To Normal (great score, by the way) and I have a violin part that calls for doubling on a synthesizer. I found all the patches that the score calls for on a Roland Fantom XR. I've got the rack mounted equipment set up to be triggered by a M-Audio Ozone keyboard. Very simple.

Audio Latency/Studio Setup BIG PROBLEMS

Submitted by K Shay on Fri, 12/30/2011 - 22:19

I'm running an Audiobox 1818vsl 8 channel mixer through Cubase 5, I have a Head Amp Pro 6 channel headphone amp, a MXL 3000 microphone, and M-Audio Studio Pro 8 speakers. My speakers are connected by connecting an audio cable from the main speaker (right), to the other speaker(left). I have to use the Audiobox as the driver in Cubase in order for me to record through it.

Recording problem with nuendo 2

Submitted by bhavesh on Mon, 12/12/2011 - 22:41

Hello friend I'm using delta 1010 LT sound card which has 2 direct microphone connectivity. After connecting microphone 1 & 2 & assigning audio channel in nuendo 2. I'm unable to detect microphone output after turning monitor on in the audio channel & unable to record after activating record button. Please any one can help me. Thanks Bhavesh.

Scarlett 8i6 Problems

Submitted by mrb1946 on Sat, 12/10/2011 - 15:25

I recently purchased a Focusrite Scarlett 8i6 and I've been having some issues with it. I have a late 2007 MacBook and I use Logic 9. Basically what's happening is that it will randomly stop playing sound. Sometimes all I have to do is unplug it and plug it back in and that will fix the problem. Other times that won't help and it will just randomly start working again.