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Anyone know can i find producer John Feldman contact ?

Like a few month ago producer John Feldman ( the used, story of the year, mest, and some ashlee simpson songs ) was asking band to send him demos blah blah and give his contact.
I ve lost them, so i wanted to know if there is a place where i can find producers contact and adress, havent found anything on the net.
Btw i love his work on the new The Used CD.

If I record and produce an album on spec for an artist?

I have a new studio that is in a professional setting not in my home. If I record and produce an album on spec for an artist, what is the going percentage I should ask for in return and what is that percentage tied to?

The other situation is if I record and produce an album but then also pay all the expenses to put that album out, what should I ask for in return?


My friend and I are recording some rock songs on his computer. He has Sonar3 producer edition, but we are kind of overwhelmed with the abundance of effects and gadgets that mess with the sound. What are the basic processors on the program that we should look at to get a good but real sound.

Producer Engineer "Dreams"

Hello folks,

hi I'm new to the forums, Im 17 yeard old Still going to high school in california, I always wanted to be a producer ever since i was 14 years old. Right now I'm trying to find a "mentor" thats been in the Music Recording Industry for a while. I mainly need some advice on what i should do what school should i go to what should i do right after high school.