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Where do latency problems manifest?

I understand what latency is, and I know it perfectly well when I have the monitor button in Cubase on, but what I am confused about is why very low latency should be an issue, like when software is marketed as having very low latency. It seems that Cubase applies whatever inherent latency there is across all tracks, and I have never had any problem tracking.

Ableton live latency problem


this is the second time i have ever posted anything on any type of forum ever, and, from what i have seen people get really mad when you post the wrong thing in the wrong place. that said, its my first time, go easy on me. thanks.

i have the fast track pro USB interface. I am using Ableton live 7.. the 14 day trial version. i have had it for only 2 days.

Latency problem Kontact 1

Hi. Could anyone help me . I have what I think is a latency problem in my Kontact 1 sampler. When I play the notes on my trigger keyboard
they sound rythmically correct, but when I listen to them played back on Logic, the recorded notes ( in this case bass ) do not match do not match what I recorded. Some notes are late, some are early.

Cubase SX3 ASIO recording Latency problems AGH!

I have Cubase SX3 and I've been trying to tweak out the settings forever now, but no matter what I do it will work fine for a bit, then while recording something, it will be out of time to the click after it's recorded. I try the ASIO Multimedia driver that Cubase automatically installs but I find it to be pretty crappy, or atleast hard to get good settings.

Cubase latency problem

i did a ghost to my computer and now ... all the previous Cubase projects are with 90ms latency!

but when I'm opening a NEW PROECT the latency is 7ms just fine !

i gotta keep working on previous projects .. what should i do?

I'm using luna II with ASIO driver and the asio driver IS selected on both old and new .. but only 80ms on previous ghost projects.