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no Reason devices in midi output- cubase&reason

i finally got reason to load with cubase, but now the reason devices dont show up in the midi output window to be selected for routing.

does anyone possibly know what i should be checking out?

i get reason to play through cubase, but i cant trigger anything via my midi keyboard.

very annoying considering i've been at this for months now.

Is there any reason?

Hey Opus, where did that reason 2 post go?
Did you get your copy yet? Do you know the best price out there? (besides free/unless you wanna pm me!) ;)
And can you upgrade v1 for free?
I can't find it on the shelves anywhere around here. But MFriend has it for $279, is that good?

Boy, sure would be nice to know the right person... :p

reason or phrazer?

Hi, this question may sound silly but I'm new to MacOs and would like to find a replacement for Fruity Loops or something like that, which allows to easily and quickly produce some electronic loop-based music... maybe reason, phrazer? what would you recommend?



Reason Junkies?

I'd like a show of hands as to how many people are using Reason...Why do you use it? How do you use it? What do you like most about it? What is you favorite trick that you do with it? For example..triggering multiple devices with other devices and so forth. I think this would be a cool discussion to see what possibilities there are and also to give other people ideas as to what to do with it.


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