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Slate Digital Raven

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Submitted by Raymond on

I did a query of the subject and it appears the Slate Digital Raven was last discussed in 2012. It appears that there were no great fans of it at that time. Has anyone experience with this ? Has Slate Digital stepped up to the plate yet ? I'm just curious. I'm working on a MBP 13" laptop. Currently, I use an old HP 19" monitor.

Slate digital virtual mic system (feelings ?)

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Submitted by pcrecord on

The more I listen to this guy the more I'm afraid of him. . . Weird isn't it.. I think I find him too intense... ;)

To me, I have no doubts good recordings could be done with the system but I just think it's another gimmick to make people think anyone can be a recordist. Like anyone can be a signer (the voice)

Slate Platinum Drums Review ( Early Impressions)

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Submitted by DonnyThompson on

I picked up Slate's Platinum 4.0 Drums Collection late last week; I've only had a few days to work with it, so these are early impressions. So far, I am pleased with the program all the way around. Further and more intensive use may bring certain weak points to the surface, I can't say as of this writing, but my initial impressions are positive.