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Hybrid Approach to Disk Storage

I have been reading what& where ever I may acquire the adequate knowledge to complete my first pc build using my Asus p4p800deluxe mb, in the tradition suggested at "Radified", or using scsi for boot drive& applications, and using ATA or actually I plan on using a pair of SATA Raptors I now have in this other machine in a software raid 0 array, which since the p4p800 has onboard sata

storage of cables

Is there a "proper" way of rolling up and storing microphone or instrument cables? I've heard/seen a bunch of different ways. I've seen the way where you twist it around your thumb and pinky and create a loop that goes through that you can hang on a peg, etc. But I've heard that it's bad to keep the cable so tightly wound. What about the good old elbow technique?