Why quested is not popular as ADAM studio monitor?
Is it accurate and netural as compare with ADAM,ATC and PMC?
Why quested is not popular as ADAM studio monitor?
Is it accurate and netural as compare with ADAM,ATC and PMC?
All these years and we've never had a monitor forum. what do you think? Is it worth creating a forum or not?
I know that the more mass the better and I need to eliminate air gaps as well as possible, but I am drawing a blank for the design... Design ides that have been tried and true anybody?
I just opened up my home studio this past year (2009)
Spent about 10k on remodeling a room to be used as the studio.
When I owned my commercial studio I would take remodeling construction cost depreciation on form 4562
Where do i make this deduction if I'm claiming the studio as a 'home office'?
I think my choices are:
I'm in kind of a bind with my band. We come to the point of wanted to get a great CD recorded. I've got a pretty decent set up at home that we recorded our first song on the other day. I believe that with patience we can get some great results.
Had a bit of a disaster over Xmas.
A water pipe in our ceiling burst and basically flooded the ceiling, which drained itself through the few exit points it had - one of which came across another ceiling and down the back of my control room wall, and flooded the desk, soaking most of my rack gear from the bottom - everything sits in 4U racks in a circle right around the desk.
OKAY, well, I'm a mega noob when it comes to this, and I've had 0 experience with the studio environment.
I want to set up a basic studio in my room for recording vocals(for hip hop , if that matters).
So, please go easy on me and recommend me some good equipment and around how much I would be spending?
I'm looking for info on removing Cubase from a friends laptop and re-installing everything into a new desktop PC he got from Santa.
Interesting topic
Recording Studios Face Uncertain Future?
I am wondering if anyone else here has the new Stduio One Pro by PreSonus. I have to admit the software has an amazing workflow and I just recorded a new songwriter and the quality was the cleanest I had ever heard. Now it comes in 2 versions the Pro and the Artist. I am using the Pro which is 64 bit.