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studio furniture

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Submitted by QuestionAsker on Sun, 03/26/2023 - 17:13

Anyone use a standing desk for music production?

If so, what's your setup? (ie. sitting / standing, manual adjustable desk or with a motor, which brand you might recommend, etc.)

My current setup is very ghetto (and clunky / uncomfortable) so thinking about how to design something that's most optimized for a smooth workflow, yet comfortable for many hours of production).

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Pro Tools
Submitted by MadMax on Wed, 11/19/2014 - 07:57

I've got a new console coming and looks like the whole studio furniture thing gets revamped.

This means new iso boxes for the converters, amps, etc. AND a new patchbay setup.

I'll start with CAD drawings of the space and hopefully incorporate the patchbay arrangement into the top area of the new iso boxes.

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Submitted by anonymous on Tue, 03/20/2007 - 22:02

Hi. Im lookin for something that I can put my rack gear, mixer, laptop and external monitor, a set of monitors, etc on,

I can only find extremely expensive mixing desks. I want something on a budget, that would be good for a small home studio or dorm room, without spending thousands.

any ideas?

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Submitted by anonymous on Thu, 02/12/2004 - 12:45


Just wondering about the furniture (desks, racks, etc.)in your studio .

Is it custom made?
Price Range?
Are you more into form or function?
Are you happy w/ what you have?
Do your clients comment on it either way?

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Submitted by anonymous on Mon, 05/12/2003 - 09:02

I am looking for a desk that is made for recording perposes (not just a computer desk) but I am not looking to spends thousands! Do you guys know of any places/manf. that have some decent stuff. I would like to be able to have my studio monitors where they need as well as my (2) 15"lCDs.

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Submitted by apbarkey on Sat, 03/01/2003 - 01:57


i wanna build my own studio furniture. for example i got 3 Yamaha 02Rs..i couldn't find any shop that had a table for three of em sittin in the table...

can anyone tell me some links to shops or makers where i can see pictures and check the stuff out? i wanna get ideas...
