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preamp compressor/mixer signal path

Hi Everyone,
I just bought a Drawmer 1960 pre/comp, and I have a few questions about how I should hook it up.

I want to run a couple of Neumann TLM 170s through it to record Vocals and/or acoustic Guitar.

I have a Soundtracks Topaz 24 channel desk and I'm running into a MOTU interface and with 24 bit analog inputs.

Signal path question (I think?)

In my current search to settle on the most simple yet highest quality I can afford DAW set up I need to understand how the signal path works from converters to software and back again. Having only had experience with my all in one PTLE (001)/G4 set up (no additional front end), I'm not sure if what I'm envisioning actaully works.

How to setup RNC in a balanced signal path?

I just got an RNC, and I'm not sure how to set it up. The manual explicitly says you can't use it in a balanced signal path with TRS connectors. You must "unbalance" the signal first.

My plan was to use it in the balanced insert loop on my PreSonus MP20 pre. The outs (balanced) of the MP20 then go into the inserts on my mixer in order to bypass the mixer's pres.

Signal path and gain

Am running VS-1880 and my path is Nuemann TLM 103 mic into MAckie board for preamps,w/ inserted FRM RNC compressor, out from Mackie into into Antares 1 AUtotune, and into ROland. SHould I be using minimum gain at the Mackie and more at ROland, or visa versa? thanks in advance. Waiting on the new 2480 to come out!AM looking forward to this board! :)