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Summing bus schematics. Anyone try?

Sorry to bring up this summing stuff again.

I'm curious. Has anyone attempted to build their own summing bus? The ones on the market (Dangerous 2b, Manley, Folcrum) are pricey. If you can build one for a $30 bucks why not try it. Below are some links for DIY summing mixers. I can solder a cable but Idon't know squat about building a circuit.

summing test

this is a summing test i did to see if summing off a board was better then daw summing. These mixes are both identical mixes. One was subbed at unity gain with identical panning and used internal makeup gain of a dm24 digital mixer no pan pots were touched and perfect level matching the other was summed in pro tools le that is backtogether1.


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