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TEAC 80-8 1/2" - should I buy?

I have a friend who is looking to unload this old 1/2 " Teac r2r, 8 channel tape machine for $700.
said it works great but one channel has a little "noise". comes with 8 channels of dbx noise reduction as well, though, not sure if this is built in or outboard. i dont konw much at all...but i defintely would love some good ol tape in my digital studio.

2-track reel-to-reel recorders. Teac, Tascam, Otari...

i keep seeing these for sale for under $300 all over the place, and I am wondering if anyone has ever used these for music/rock recording? it is almost tempting to pick one up to track some vocals or snare/kicks on them. but it is a waste of time? or are these valuable elements in a studio? i know the whole debacle on tape companies is uncertain as well...but I'm tempted...

Teac A-4010S HELP!

Hey a just bought a Teac A-4010S and i need some help with it. The 'Record Select' button either dont work or somethings no plugged in or i dont know. Because when you press them the red lights that would say that one was selected dont turn on. Does anyone know why this could be. And another question does anyone know where i could buy a rubber knob that holds the reels on, i need just one.

Teac A-1200 help!

I just got a Teac A-1200 reel-to-reel and ive cleaned it up quite a bit but when the tape starts it makes sqweaking sounds. I think it could be on the heads or something like that. Does anyone know what i should be and does anyone know where i can download manuals off line for free.Thanks

Need a teacher

Hi guys,
looking at "Pro Talk" I see a lot of engineers that earn a living with it. I live in Italy and I'm currently working in the educational IT area, but I always wanted to become engineer/producer. I play piano and keyboards since I was 6 and in my freetime I produce/record several local bands and they are very happy with it.


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