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How can I test latency

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Submitted by anonymous on Sun, 03/06/2005 - 13:25

:( I'm troubled with latancy while recording. I can use direct monitoring but then i can't here the effects while recording. I managed to bring down the latency a lot already, but for optimizing i need some sort of latency test. How do I test latency? is there any software available. Help is very much appreciated.

Microphone test of vocal microphpones

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Submitted by Ellegaard on Tue, 08/31/2004 - 00:02

A couple of Danish producers/engineers, among them Mr. Allan Bregnedahl and Torsten Matthiessen, got together this summer and tested as many microphones as they could get their hands on. A very interesting test, and I thought I would link to it here. It's in Danish, so I will just translate the introduction:

"The Great Microphone Test Vol. 2