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I know the proper way to get a drummer's kit tuned correctly is to have a professional do it, but sometimes that's not an option (usually budget-wise for me) so I'm looking for pointers to tuning resources. I'm a decent mixer, but know jack about percussion. I'd like to get better...I have no illusions about becoming a professional drum tech. Anyone have a dummie's guide for me?

Batter/Resonant head tuning techniques

I am going to put in a kit, and from years of talking to really great studio drummers, I want to know if their is anything I should consider when assembling the kit and the heads to keep the tuning from going flat on the Batter /resonant head situation. Is their a new material that streches over the indie rI'm to keep it tight? or do I just have to break them in and keep tuning.

tuning drums

how do you come up with the correct pitch for each drum?

basically i have been working the head until the sound "comes together". I'm new to REALLY tuning drums and would like to get better. ive read all the basics of tuning. when i finish with a head, they tend to [what i think] be pretty tight and high pitched for the sizes. [13x12/14x13/16x16 toms and 14x4 snare, 22x16 kick]


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