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Need help with an Ampex atr-700 tape machine

Hi all,

A friend of mine just acquired an Ampex atr-700 reel-to-reel tape machine. He got it from the company he works for while they were cleaning out some old gear. We wanted to try doing transfers of some digital material to tape to see how it sounded. The material in question is 24bit 48k two track material that I have on my audio computer.

Have you heard of the Revox A77 or Tascam MSR-16?

Im having the oportunity to purchase a Revox A77 tape deck machines at around $200 and a Tascam MSR-16 for $800. Both machines are in great shape. I would like to know if any of you guys own one and your experiences with them, how do they sound? reliability ? etc. I dont want a comparison on which one is better. i Know the Revox is a 2 track and the Tascam is 16. I would like your opinions.


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