Otari 5050? Studer? I want to start looking at adding a nice used 1/2" 8 track to the studio, but I would like opinions on what everyone likes and dislikes about the usual suspects. And if you know of any real gems that never quite caught on, too.
*cheers* Yea for Kurt! Thanks for answering, Kurt....actually I'
*cheers* Yea for Kurt! Thanks for answering, Kurt....actually I'm sure I need some education in the matter. I really just assumed 1/2" would be easier to find(?).....I'm wanting it so I have tape to hit hard with guitars and to get sweeter vocals before bringing it to the DAW.
But, you're thinking I could get a 1" and use it for 2-bus master too? Hmmmm.........why can 1" do this and not 1/2" or even 1/4"? I seem to remember being in a studio (as musician) and the engineer was taking everything from the 2" Otari to
1/4"?? Was this just for mixdown to take to mastering?
If you have the time, dewd, I would love your feedback......
For 1/2" eights, my faves are the Tascams ... the 48 is a good o
For 1/2" eights, my faves are the Tascams ... the 48 is a good one ... as is the older 80-8 ... The 5050's run at different speeds at different parts of the reels, like the older ampex's did ... This is not a problem unless you try to edit (tape) parts from different parts of the reels ... but still, it is an issue to consider.
Not sure why you want a 1/2" eight as opposed to a 1" one.. ??? The right 1" machine could do double duty, you could get optional headstacks / rollers / guides and use it as a first class analog mastering machine too ...