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Hi Fletcher and everyone,

I'm looking for a stand alone monitor matrix that will create eight separate STEREO headphone mixes from sixteen line level inputs. I envision a relatively simple rackmount mixer with 16 line level ins with each channel strip having eight pairs of knobs (gain and pan) and a master section with eight knobs controlling the master volume of each stereo mix.

Anybody know if this beast exists or will I have to pull out a soldering iron and get medieval…



anonymous Wed, 05/16/2001 - 13:22

Thanks for the replies,

The HR 16 would be ok, but I would think a line level monitor mixer might cost less.

The Furman rig would set me back ± $3,000 for six stations. I'd like eight to handle my 7 piece plus an extra for sit ins.

My comfort level for this function is more like $1,500 to $2,000

Thanks again for the input


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