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Other than the compressor is there any difference in how they sound?

Anybody own both?

Need opinions.




anonymous Fri, 11/02/2001 - 03:47

Transformers are the difference. The 9098 pre/eq has none, the CIB has two. The eq's are the same (except for the lack of notch switch on CIB) and the pres are the same.

But the transformers have a powerful effect. There's more hair and muscle to the CIB, things are a little more glued together. And the pre tends to be a little kinder in the mids than the 9098 (piano is a very telling instrument with the two boxes- much more pleasant with the CIB.) Both are great, the CIB is just bigger sounding, a closer construction of what the 9098 console does (as close as you could get without having its stereo bus, which is what really makes it the killer that it is.)

anonymous Sun, 11/04/2001 - 07:43

I use the Amek CIB after a/b with Focusrite ISA110, Avalon 737, Avalon 2022. It is amazing in subtle ways. Avalon 2022 has beautiful sound, airy, open vocals (Neuman m149 mike), but the words seem to sit all alone. The CIB (and this is ab'ing just the pre with no eq/comp next to other units) makes the words into a performance that sits up high like a hologram in front of your speakers. It somehow marries the words and phrases into something tighter, as if their were tape compression transparently added in. That kind of description is hard to take because it is so subjective, but I love this piece. Open, Airy, clarity, present.. and musically TIGHT. What the hell does that mean? You have to try it and listen twice. Pull back and listen to the oveall, as well as the lean forward Highs, mids, lows, components of the sound. Paul
PS I'm not a pro engineer yet, but I'm a pro listener, singer, lead player, and that's pointing the mind. Hope you like the CIB

atlasproaudio Sun, 11/04/2001 - 12:39

Originally posted by nozza1:
What is retail price of Amek PurePath CIB?

As of November 1, retail prices & street pricing on Amek outboard were reduced. I'm not sure exactly how this would translate in sterling, but you should call your UK reseller to find out. Hopefully this will give you an idea.

See them here if you are interested in the information you asked about:


Good Luck!

Guest Mon, 11/05/2001 - 04:53

I have found the CIB to have quite a bit more balls than the 9098 unit. The only problem I've found with it is that the compressor is post EQ, which in my world isn't all that handy except when I need a 'de-esser' I found myself either using the equalizer, or the compressor but not both.

I talked to Rupert about it, he did me up a couple with a "pre/post" mod that moves the position of the compressor in relation to the equalizer...but the fucking wizards at AMEK refuse to implement the design change, or modification. In the words of their fearless leader, Kim Templeman Holmes [I believe he's a distant relative of Sir Denis Eaton Hogg]...we don't sell enough of these units to warrant the expense of a design change!

And no, AMEK won't do the modification for you...but Rupert did send me a kit and instructions to do the mod myself. Of course with my technical prowess he could have sent me a 'build your own ballistic missle guidance system' kit and I'd have been in about the same boat.