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Hello all. I'm wondering if someone here might be able to point me in the right direction.

I am a guitarist. I spent a long time getting my rack put together, and after having completed it, I am very much attached to my gear. Now, unfortunately, I also happen to live in an appartment on the second floor, so, when it's time to lay down guitar tracks, the cabinet with a mic or two approach is pretty much out of the question. I wind up running direct from my TriAxis preamp into the sound card. While I love the Mesa sound, it comes out a bit rough without the speakers. So I am looking for (preferably) a software-based speaker emulator that I can use in Nuendo. Anyone know of a VST plugin that will do this? Am I stuck using a hardware one? And if so, I would appreciate suggestions as to what hardware ones are even available any more. The one that I know of, I can no longer get, since the ADA MicroCAB has been out of production for a long time now. I've been told to use a Line 6 Pod XT, but then... I don't want to get rid of my Mesa and replace it with a little plastic box that's supposed to sound like a Mesa... what I really need is some sort of well... a speaker emulator.

So. Any advice or answers would be honestly appreciated.


anonymous Sat, 11/06/2004 - 23:12

Boheme6! That's frigging awesome! If the thing is as quiet as you say it is, holy crap that would so solve my problem it's not even funny. I tried the demos of the plugins with the speaker emulators. Well... they do something... can't say that they make it sound like what my rack sounds like through a cab, but hey... So yeah. Deffinetly going to give building one of these boxes a go. Thanks a bunch!

After looking your writeup over again closely, I do have a couple of questions. Is it truely a box within a box? Or is it a larger box divided into two sections?

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And if the inside 1x12 cab is infact a completely enclosed box that's sitting inside the larger enclosure, is there any padding underneath the speaker enclosure? (between the box with the speaker, and the outer enclosure)

Honestly, thankyou very much for the responses. The tinny cheese-grater sound has really been getting to me, and I appreciate you folks helping me find a solution to it.[/code]

anonymous Sun, 11/07/2004 - 22:06

It's more like your second drawing... it's one big box with the speaker baffle screwed in at about 12" from the bottom. If I recall - I put a LITTLE bit of padding in the 'speaker cab' portion.. but not much.. you can certainly experiment with that.

Since I can't get PMs on here.. you can email me offline with any questions.

mistergrinch AT gmail DOT com
