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A friend just bought a project pack, got the free LA-2A and wondered what would be good for buying and downloading expressly for mastering?

I recommended

Precision Limiter
Precision EQ

At least that is what I have used when not analog. and of course an electric cowbell



Reggie Fri, 09/30/2005 - 11:28

Massive Mastering wrote: The Precision stuff (EQ & limiter) are must-haves. The Pultec can be awfully handy also.

The Fairchild...

If you're looking for that "vintage" sound with the lows cut up a bit... I dunno... I've used it a few times for some M/S work, but I really don't care for it at the mastering stage at all.

Mixing is another story...

This is it right here^.
Fairchild is great for bass a lot of times; not so much likey over an entire mix (usually). The LA2A is another greatformixingnotformastering plugin. Maybe UA should develop a "precision" compressor? I'd buy it twice.