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Hi folks,
any suggestions on nice sounding compact mixers (4-8 mic inputs)? Main uses will be as a sub mixer or for on location recording. I want it simple and sturdy. No fancy routing needed. I've been surfing the net a bit, finding very few alternatives. My budget for this project is in between the Spirit M series and TL Audio 's Tubetracker, that is roughly $1000-$3000.


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anonymous Tue, 02/19/2002 - 13:27

I'm pretty much in the same situation..even if it would be mostly for monitoring.
I'm considering the A&H Wizard, the 16 channels.
8 channels are "ok" but if yoy have that budget
thinking a little bigger it's usually better.
Wiz. has effect on board..that's the only thing i could live without. Mixer looks solid, good feel working on it and i'm getting good feedback about overall sound quality. Check it out.
I've edited my prior comments on Spirit and HHB...

Ted Nightshade Tue, 02/19/2002 - 20:52

I have heard way too many horror stories about the new Mackie boards. :( . Crest is a way better board than Smackie Allen&Heath or Spirit. Costs a little more but way worth it.
If you really need just super basic 8 channel summing there may be other options too. I didn't find many when I looked.
If you're looking for pres, several good pres have summing options these days, regular little mic mixers they are. This could be the ticket.