Focusrite Liquid Channel

Submitted by anonymous on Fri, 09/24/2004 - 00:23

Does it accurately replicate other pres like it claims? Fromt he reviews, it kind of sounds like a good deal- but then there's the price. Is it worth it?


I've heard a lot of different opinions. Some people really love it, some people really hate it. Most seem to be somewhere in the middle.

I just read Lynn Fuston's review in EQ. He seemed to be very impressed with it, and probably has as much experience with a huge number of preamps as anyone. I've also seen quite a few comments from people who have a certain preamp and tried out the Liquid Channel and thought it didn't sound like the preamp they were familiar with. Then again, I've heard of a lot of people who have vintage Neve 1073's and hear another one and don't think it sounds like theirs.

It seems to me that it may be a good investment for a studio who primarily uses one microphone at a time to overdub and wants to have a variety of sounds at their disposal, or for a studio that has a decent assortment of preamps already and wants to pick up a few more. I don't think it would be a good replacement for existing high-end analog preamps, and I don't think that Focusrite does either...after all, they do manufacture a few themselves...


Sounds tempting..

For a beginner like myself, I haven't heard very many pres, so I wouldn't know the difference, however I'd still want to get what I paid for (who knows, down the line I might hear many, many pres and will start to compare) The pre I'm familiar with is a Focusrite and the mic was a u87. The sound was great so when I saw the Liquid Channel I thought "wow".

So whether it matches exactly or not, are the options you have at least quality sounding? It's a good concept though, have got to give it to them for that.