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Hi am new to the forum
got two questions
does anyone know what the two acoustic spaces used in recording and mixing audio are and their use?

What is a 3 Band EQ and what type of processing do we associate
with it?



anonymous Sun, 05/18/2008 - 08:35

The two acoustic spaces are, as I think of it.
Recording studio. Used for playing and recording in.
Monitoring Room. Used for listening to whats being recorded and mixing.

A three band EQ is basically three overlapping band pass filters which you can attenuate. Low Mid and High. You can boost or drop the three frequency sections amplitude.

Do you have google or wiki?

Space Sun, 05/18/2008 - 09:13

damumm wrote: Hi am new to the forum
got two questions
does anyone know what the two acoustic spaces used in recording and mixing audio are and their use?

What is a 3 Band EQ and what type of processing do we associate
with it?


You asked the questions and answered them. So there.

anonymous Mon, 05/19/2008 - 11:57

Am I weird for answering his question?
I study robotics engineering, so I only guessed my answer. Thinking more about it I would probably only use one band pass and an high pass and a low pass filter. Depends on if I wanted all the frequencies or just what we can hear. Also, my knowledge of digital signal processing only extends to using MATLAB functions on non-realtime signals. My knowledge of analogous signal filters only extends to making cross-overs. Is a 3-band EQ on a cheap ass mixer just cross-overs with a potentiometer?
I haven't got one around to open up and look.

rockstardave Mon, 05/19/2008 - 12:25

pmolsonmus wrote: [quote=damumm]
Sound and Music Is my Major

Maybe its just me, but before you declare a "major" wouldn't you KNOW this stuff?

I could understand this question coming from an introduction to audio class but....

maybe he's a freshman and doesnt really know yet.

but, he SHOULD know that "alot" is not a word. "a lot" is much more appropriate because it's grammatical.

anonymous Mon, 05/19/2008 - 16:28

Greener - you're not weird for answering his question, just trying to be helpful. But I think Bent nailed it - this was a homework assignment.

While I'm all for using this forum as a resource to enhance one's education (including my own), it really bugs me to see verbatim questions posted like this, just waiting for someone else to do the thinking and fill in the blanks.

At least damumm was polite enough to say thanks, but I don't think he was done any favors in the long run....


anonymous Tue, 05/20/2008 - 04:58

I Googled jp22 to find out what Space meant...
So gold, currently 7 pages into "Expert sugguestions on an advanced guitar recording setup"
So many free laughs, sooo many.
Anyways, if only I could be like jp22. Ignorance is bliss.
The fact I know I know nothing (except that I know nothing), doesn't stop me typing.


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