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Hello guys,
Yesterday I was kinda crazy thinking about some upgrades on my studio.
First let me explain the whole situation:
I live in Brazil where gear is very, very expensive. I have a friend that is moving back from the U.S.
in september and he has the right to bring used stuff as he lived for more than a year outside Brazil.
Right now I have:

- Tascam 2524 24ch in line
- Digi 001
- Meek VC6
- Korg 880 A/D 18bit
- ART SGX Nightbass Studio Edition

And I will for sure get an Apogee Rosetta so I can clock both the 001 and the 880 with it.
Ok, now the deal is I track mostly rock bands like this:

- drums (8/10 ch on the 2524. 8ch going on the 001 and 2 ch on the Korg )
- bass (DI on the VC 6 into Korg )
- guitar (POD into Korg ) ** this could be a keeper, it depends on the playing
- guitar (whatever the player brings in and goes into the Korg ) ** if the band has 2 guits and each one
plays totally different stuff from the other. that's just a scratch track.
- vox (into the 2524 out to the Korg ) ** scratch vocals only
- click track (Yamaha PSR 160 into Korg )
- one channel free on the Korg ...

I want to upgrade to a level where I don't need to worry about buying stuff anytime soon, because I won't
buy anything here in Brazil...

So I'm thinking about getting rid of my big'ol board ang going for something better and smaller, or even
going with outboard pre's only.

I can also borrow some money too, just to make sure I won't spend anymore soon :) .

I can get around $1300/$1500 for my board here in Brazil and $800/$1000 for the Korg interface.

So what do you guys suggest for pres? How many channels you think I need? For example, 4 channels to
snare, kick and overheads and 4/6 more (cheaper ones) to toms and scratch vox. About the A/D I thought
about those:

Swissonic AD24 8ch A/D $750
RME Audio ADI-8 Pro 8ch A/D/A $1300
Lucid 8824 8ch A/D/A $2000

C'mon guys, I know it's a huge post, but I do need help... thanks!

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anonymous Thu, 06/27/2002 - 12:48

E ai me`irmao???
Yes Jeronimo I am from Bahia,Itabuna and I lived in Salvador from 1984 to 1989.Now I live near Lisbon,Portugal.I am a session player and a Home Studio Beginner.My setup is :
733 G4
1100 RAM
Tascam US-428
Behringer Ultragain Pro
Røde NT 1
Fender BXR 300R Bass amp
Johnson J-Station
Roland XP-50

I am thinkin about buying the Digi 001,but I`d better wait a bit,`cause Jaguar is in the near future of Apple`s OS and also I think I should wait for a device like the MBox but FIREWIRE (I have 2 Firewire slots in my Mac just sleeping here..).
Good luck with your studio.Say hello to Ronnie Scott,Ivan Huol,Ivan Bastos,Giba,Tuzè Abreu and Geova Nascimento to name a few.
Here`s my e-mail :


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