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opinions about the budget gear i can only afford. ive got about 250 dollars for a rack unit or whatever that can split monitor 1.4 inch outs from my pa and power three headphones for my three players. ive looked at Behringer cause its cheap. id like some opinions on some other brands and headphone brands as well mid range price max quality for a device around 250 bucks that splits and powers headphones from my pa/mixer


AudioGaff Tue, 01/11/2005 - 23:23

When you buy cheap gear, you don't usually have a lot options and the options you have are not really that much different from one another to be a big deal. If you find a product that does what you need and it is in the price range you can afford and think the product is worth, then buy it and use it and move on. At the cheap level, it's really not worth spending to much time worrying or aganizing over.

anonymous Tue, 01/11/2005 - 23:40

thanks man, any suggestions besides behringer for a headphon

for a head phone splitter/power thing that will give three ppl headphone mix from the pa. and what headphones would you buy if you only had limited cash the problem is i dont know the brands not that im having a problem choosing between the low end stuff I JUST HAVE NO CLUE man you know, i dont even know my options


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