Hello, I've recorded for the first time a band and it happens to be the jazz sextet my brother has. It was recorded in a bedroom with a NT2A (fig. 8 -5 dB pad) and a SM58 straight to my Ultralite and then to logic.
Flujo & NewOne have a direct piano line.
Hope you like it.
myuhlz, this is great stuff overall! i agree with the sax being
myuhlz, this is great stuff overall! i agree with the sax being too loud and the bass and guitar too soft. also, the drum cymbals seem to get loud at times. but, that what you get playing in a small room with a horn player. is there a way to tame the sax without affecting the rest of the players? multiband compression?
again, great job for a first timer! keep it up.
Thanks for the comments! I'll be soon recording them in a jazz c
Thanks for the comments! I'll be soon recording them in a jazz club with a real piano, and real guitar & bass amps... in a more open area with a better MS sort-of technique. I'll have the bass and guitar direct from the amps besides de fig. 8 and the sm58.
Any input is much appreciated.
So this was done in a bedroom with two mics?!?! I'm impressed.
So this was done in a bedroom with two mics?!?! I'm impressed.
I just listened to Factor K. My only critique is that the sax seems a tiny bit loud, and the guitar was a bit soft. But then I'm a guitar player, so maybe I am biased... :)
mods - should this be moved to the Song and Mix Critique forum?