What does it mean when an EQ setting is written +6.0dB at 256Hz with 0.7Q Peak response?
I understand the controls well enough. What is the Peak Respons
I understand the controls well enough. What is the Peak Response portion mean?
Attached files Extract.mp3 (484.8 KB)
the "peak response" is probably similar to "HiQ" as on the Neve
the "peak response" is probably similar to "HiQ" as on the Neve V series consoles. However the HiQ was only for the high and low freq bands (no Q control) I believe it changed the preset Q from .71 to 2.0....
perhaps that "peak response" should be associated with a low or hi freq eq setting....wouldnt make sense with the mid bands : assuming they already have a variable Q/bandwidth
On the VR the low and high freq default with a preset bellcurve (.71) you can switch in the HiQ (2.0) OR a shelving function.
Originally posted by Axman32: What does it mean when an EQ set
Originally posted by Axman32:
What does it mean when an EQ setting is written +6.0dB at 256Hz with 0.7Q Peak response?
This just means; boost 6dB @ 256 Cycles,0.7 Q (quality, how narrow or wide the eq notch is).. in peak/dip mode vs. shelfing. Because you're boosting it is expressed as peak, if you were cutting it would be dip response..
doesnt his +6 already tell you its a boost...if it was going to
doesnt his +6 already tell you its a boost...if it was going to be a dip it would be -6.....just doesnt make sense to quantify it with "peak response"
if theres a Q value then more than likely thats a mid band which wouldnt even have a shelf setting....or maybe im wacked in the head :D
asI understand it, shelving eq's do not have Q's. They cause fr
asI understand it, shelving eq's do not have Q's. They cause frequencies above(high shelf) or below(low shelf) the set frequency to roll off logrithmically.(i think thats the right word.)
What I mean is, that in a shelving type eq, a 5db boost at one freq, could mean a 6,8,10, whatever db boost down the curve. Q is a term that refers to the bandwidth affected by an eq. In the case of a graphic or parametric the freq you choose is the center. Shelving eq's just indicate the start poin of the curve. Peak response may be a way of expressing what the actual slope of the eq will be with a given q. I can see this as usefull to help you better visualize the sound you are affecting without having to do the math.
Steve, > asI understand it, shelving eq's do not have Q's.
> asI understand it, shelving eq's do not have Q's. <
Yes, they certainly can have a Q setting. If you have an EQ plug-in that offers Q in shelving mode and also shows you the response, play with the Q and you'll see what it does. As you raise the Q, a peak forms at the cutoff frequency. This is the basis for analog synth filters. For example, the original MiniMoog has a 24 dB. per octave low-cut filter. As you increase the Resonance, the Q increases at the cutoff frequency.
Well it is nice to see that I'm not the only one that is confuse
Well it is nice to see that I'm not the only one that is confused here. Here's a definition I got from the listed website.
Peak Response - 1) A term with the same meaning as Peak 2) Raising or lowering of the amplitude of signals at the center frequency more than signals at any other frequency.
Still not too clear
[[url=http://[/URL]="http://www.recordin…"]Detroit Recording Institute - Glossary[/]="http://www.recordin…"]Detroit Recording Institute - Glossary[/]
You typically have 3 controls available to a parametric EQ. Gain
You typically have 3 controls available to a parametric EQ. Gain, Freq and Bandwidth or Q
The way bandwidth is calculated is by measuring the frequencies that are 3db down from the center freq (the one you selected with your freq knob.
An example would be if you selected 1Khz with (bell curve, determined by your bandwidth knob) that measured 3db down at say 900HZ and 1.1Khz the actual bandwidth would be 200HZ.
Now take that bandwidth of 200Hz and divide that into your center freq. this would give you the Q of 5 (in other words, Q is simply a ratio of the center frequency to bandwidth)
Only thing you need to remember is higher the Q number the sharper/narrower the bellcurve. where as the higher the number on a bandwidth control the wider the curve.
Oh the +6 would simply represent the amount of gain.
I hope your as confused as I am :)