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I am in the market for new monitors and I can't make my mind up which ones to get. I have a home studio and have been using KRK V4's and love them, but I want another pair to A/B. I was looking at the Mackie stuff and Genelec. My price range is $600 to $1000. I need a truly great, flat pair for mixing and mastering. Can someone help me?

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AudioGaff Thu, 11/20/2003 - 09:57

Monitors are a very personal thing and the sound of them depends as much on the room as it does the ones you choose. Buying monitors that will meet the criteria you seek with a $1000 limit is unreasonable and very unlikely. The $1000 range for a pair barely qualifies for useable monitors, and is the absolute min. amount to spend on just one very good monitor. If you are dead set on that dollar limit, you will need to redefine you criteria.

Davedog Thu, 11/20/2003 - 10:36

It would depend on whether you're looking for a near-field or a mid-field...You could find a good nearfield for the price you're talking,albeit used, a mid-field will cost a bunch more for 'flat' and for mastering.If you are wanting something thats truly in your criteria,avoid Mackie,Behringer,M-audio,Event,...basically all of the monitors one might find at yer friendly local Gittarget store.You will have to search at a Pro place.@ $1450 or so, you may be able to land a pair of Genelecs,Adams,or something along these lines...more than likely Used, and probably only a nearfield...but HEY...if you dont need it LOUD and want clarity and the "Truth In Monitoring" this is the way to go.

anonymous Thu, 11/20/2003 - 13:03

You might want to check out the Tannoy system 800A's they are really nice near fields and cost about $1600 a pair new from Tannoy ( with rf shield , less without ) I have a pair they were recommended by Joe Chickarelli ( a very fine engineer ) and I have been very happy with them ( they are almost inpossible to find used !!! )
Monitors are very subjective and user defined as to what sounds good ????


AudioGaff Fri, 11/21/2003 - 10:47

What model of Genelecs should I look at?

I wouldn't go any lower than the 1030's and would highly suggest the 1031's The 1031's are still an industry standard and can be used for Mastering. I own a pair of the 1031's that I find I can trust and just love them. A real joy to use and listen to. My recordings and mixing took at least a full step after getting them and getting used to them. I've also done budget Mastering projects with them with great results and happy clients. The 1032's can be used as near fields but are really more mid field with the extra power to get real loud and much better low end, but you may still need a sub for both if your looking for the real low end.

The newer ADAM monitors get a lot buzz and praise and are in the same league for price and performance as the Genelec's. I've only heard them at an AES show demo, but I didn't think they were really any better or worse then the Genelecs thou many may aruge about that.

anonymous Fri, 11/21/2003 - 18:53

A tad bit higher than your $1400, but the dynaudio BM6A's are pretty darn great for the $1600 price tag. I have heard great stuff about the studio one monitors mentioned above, and would love to hear them myself. I may get blasted, but I've also heard the Mackie HR624's are pretty good,and correct some of the problems that have been highlighted on this site regarding the 824's. May be worth a look anyway, and I think they are around $1000 for the pair. Good luck.


bap Sat, 11/22/2003 - 17:07

624's are smaller - 6 1/2" bass driver instead of 8". You can find reviews around if you look. I can't tell you spec wise what the difference is.

I am a player and am just trying to learn about recording, and so hang out here to see if anything will rub off on me. I work [play]in various studios and see and hear the "good stuff" but for personal use am necessarily committed to getting the most that I can for my money.

One studio where do some work got Earthworks Sigma 6.2s and they are pretty nice [but way out of my price range].

sdelsolray Sat, 11/22/2003 - 17:34

Originally posted by Andy W.:
I am in the market for new monitors and I can't make my mind up which ones to get. I have a home studio and have been using KRK V4's and love them, but I want another pair to A/B. I was looking at the Mackie stuff and Genelec. My price range is $600 to $1000. I need a truly great, flat pair for mixing and mastering. Can someone help me?

I went through a similar situation. I chose Dynaudio BM6 along witha Hafler P3000 pwer amp. I already had the amp and I didn't hear much (if any) of a difference between he active Dynaudios and the passive ones with the Hafler. It's slightly over budget. but the passive Dynaudios run about $800, and the Hafler (new) can be had for about $430. Just a thought.
Stephen Boyke

anonymous Mon, 11/24/2003 - 18:01

I went with the dyns too. I couldn't afford the BM6A so I bought the BM6 passives and got a second hand power amp - a QSC Series 3 350. I love them. I A/B'd the Dyns in the shop with all KRK V models as well as the usual cheaper models and couldn't get anything less than the BM6's.

get the BM6 passives, then search around for a second hand Crown DC300 mk2 or something. That will come in well under you 1400US budget.

fetzir Tue, 11/25/2003 - 18:31

I've had a respected engineer from Nashville's music row turn me on to what he feels is one of the best secrets in the near field arena, the Event ASP 8's. You can street price a pair around $1100 delivered. He compared them to Mackie 824's and Genelec 1030's and felt the Events gave the best translation (between these three, in his room). I plan on ordering a set in the next few weeks to replace my pukey Alesis MK-II's. I've heard the 824's are a bit mid heavy and the Genelec's have a slight mid-scoop which makes things sound better than they really are...

Edward Bolda
[[url=http://[/URL]="http://www.fetzir.c…"]Spyder Byte Studios[/]="http://www.fetzir.c…"]Spyder Byte Studios[/]

KurtFoster Tue, 11/25/2003 - 18:44

Originally posted by Andy W.:
What's the big difference in the Mackie 824 and the 624?

You had to do it didn't you? You had to go and say the "M" word... and I was so proud of you too... :(

Originally posted by slicraider:
What do folks think of the Pro AC AC100s?

I was just offered a pair for review today.. i will be getting them soon and I will let you all know what I think... pretty pricey..

Originally posted by Spyder Byte Studios:
I've had a respected engineer from Nashville's music row turn me on to what he feels is one of the best secrets in the near field arena, the Event ASP 8's. You can street price a pair around $1100 delivered. He compared them to Mackie 824's and Genelec 1030's and felt the Events gave the best translation (between these three, in his room). I plan on ordering a set in the next few weeks to replace my pukey Alesis MK-II's. I've heard the 824's are a bit mid heavy and the Genelec's have a slight mid-scoop which makes things sound better than they really are...

Edward Bolda
[[url=http://[/URL]="http://www.fetzir.c…"]Spyder Byte Studios[/]="http://www.fetzir.c…"]Spyder Byte Studios[/]

I haven't heard them but I do not care at all for any of the Event monitors I have heard up to this point. I would be interested in hearing them. Perhaps I will cruise down to Guitar Center and take a listen.. :roll:

On the other hand, it is hard to knock anything from either Genelic or Dynaudio.. everything I have heard from them has been killer.


[ November 26, 2003, 02:24 AM: Message edited by: Kurt Foster ]

anonymous Tue, 11/25/2003 - 23:32

genelec is a wonderfull company and the have done allot in the sense of bring the home studio closer to professional quality...the genelec is my first choice for monitors and the blue sky is great but the low response is not there for detailed mids and highs it is great with the exception of a slight peak in the high region maybe its because of the dual concentric diphragm tweeters...(needs a better crossover in that region) myself I would go for the genelec which I use at the studio ...also use mackies there but they make everything sound good and don't want that too punchy sound.....not to bother the market but I am in the process of DIY project to get a system I I I I I believe will give me a better system...costing me around 800 bones but finishe project is suppose to sound like 8000 bones....cross your fingers and pray for me the journey begins

AudioGaff Wed, 12/03/2003 - 15:48

Originally posted by Andy W.:
I think I have it narrowd down to the KRK V8's or the Hr824's. Which ones should I get?

I would suggest you skip both, save up more money, widen your search to something that isn't likely to need to have to be replaced down the road. Remember monitors will get used more that any other single piece of gear and be more responsable for all of your audio decisions you make as well what you use to judge your final results. This is not a place to skimp and should be considered a long term investment in a high quality tool that will provide you many years of value and service.

Ammitsboel Wed, 12/03/2003 - 23:30

I would suggest you skip both, save up more money, widen your search to something that isn't likely to need to have to be replaced down the road. Remember monitors will get used more that any other single piece of gear and be more responsable for all of your audio decisions you make as well what you use to judge your final results. This is not a place to skimp and should be considered a long term investment in a high quality tool that will provide you many years of value and service.

Just my words! :)

But I've only heard solutions here that have to be replaced if not soon then after some month!!

Take some days of the schedule and try out different stores(Pro, hifi, high end) and listen to different music to select the most revealing system.

AudioGaff Wed, 12/03/2003 - 23:44

Originally posted by Andy W.:
Audiogaff- Which monitors do you suggest or use?

I started out on industry standrd JBL 4311's and used them for many years, then graduated to Meyer HD'1's and used them for many years at the studio I owned which is when I was blown away from what I heard of what really great monitors should sound like and what they can do to make music production better all around. I had heard the Meyer's at a few different studios some better some worse than mine and although they always sounded great, it was a much pleasant surprise to me when I got them in my place and listened to my favorite records (ya, this was before CD's) as well as 2-track reels of mixes I had done. I gasped at the details both good and bad I heard as well as things within the music I was never aware of before. I have spent the last 6-years with Genelec 1031's for my home set-up which I love dearly. I would have likely gotten the HD'1s for home but got a buy one get one free deal on the 1031's that I just couldn't pass up.

I would suggest the upper mid models to the upper end model monitors from any one of the following:

Dunlavy, Meyer, Quested, Nautilus, JBL LSR, ADAM, or Genelec.

Davedog Thu, 12/04/2003 - 16:01

When you say you've narrowed it down to the KRK V8's and the Mackie HR824's it makes me think that you're doing ALL of youre shopping in GitTarget....while they do have a bit of a selection, most of it is centered on musicians who wanna be recordists and not truly audiofile hearing.You will end up hating either one of these choices in the future..while they may be able to train your ears to a certain level, one day you're going to hear something truly superb and rue the day you didnt open you search up a bit more.Adams,Genelec,Dunlavey,Westlake,etc etc.These will open up your ears like nothing you can imagine.I monitor on nearfields due to my small area and I dont monitor loud, I use Genelec 1029's with the 1081 sub...I rarely get things 'wrong'and NEVER have a problem translating to any other radio,home theater,audiofile stereo system,boombox,etc etc.This is exactly what you want out of a set of monitors.Nothing more and certainly,nothing LESS.Its been said already and I cant emphasize it enough, your monitors are your MOST IMPORTANT purchase.

Pez Thu, 12/04/2003 - 19:09

Amen to all of the above. Go in debt if you have to if you're really serious about doing this for the rest of your life. I love my monitors more than my vintage Martins. They are more important to me then the car I drive. They will save you money in the long run if you're really serious about audio as a career. Redoing mixes is a pain in the ass. With good monitors you will dial in things quicker and get them right the first time. It may be time for a little soul searching. Ask yourself if this is just a hobby or a profession. If it's your profession get something more decent than the ones you mentioned. If it is just a hobby go into debt and get the best monitors anyway. :tu:

anonymous Fri, 01/16/2004 - 11:57

I honed my search down to the ADAM S3As and the Earthworks Sigmas after listening to every conceivable speaker I could get hold of. I desperately wanted to check out the Sigmas, but Earthworks made it impossible to hear them because they won't ship out evaluation models to dealers, even if I pay shipping! And I live in Nashville, where for heaven's sake you'd think they'd want to be heard!

So I got the S3As, and now don't even think about the Sigmas, because I have a hard time believing anything in the price range, - maybe anything at all - could more transparent. These aren't speakers, they're sonic microscopes. It's a new world for me with how easy it is to mix with these things.

I suspect they'll be the new high-end NS10s.

AudioGaff Wed, 01/21/2004 - 23:43

Originally posted by WDavidW:

Originally posted by AudioGaff:

I have spent the last 6-years with Genelec 1031's for my home set-up which I love dearly. I would have likely gotten the HD'1s for home but got a buy one get one free deal on the 1031's that I just couldn't pass up.

Gaff, Where did you land that great deal? The Genelec rep that I knew at the time made me that deal while at an AES show when he found out I was going to go for another pair of the HD'1s like I had at the main studio. He was going to off a pair from the show, but I held out for a pair from a factory sealed box and I've been happy with them every since.
