Yes, you head correct. SoundCraft Series 1S. The sixteen channel mixer that is 30 years old.
I just got one from my friend who just had it sitting in storage. I'm too poor to go and buy a new 16 channel mixer. This is 10 times bigger, but I don't mind.
Anyway, I said he could have the box (metal case), but then its unprotected. Would it be safe (not a fire hazzard) if I built a wooden box? Or is the best idea to just leave it in the original case.
What's neat is that it says 'National Broadcasting Company' I guess it used to be owned by NBC!
I'm new to recording and I was going to use the mixer to run the mics on my drumset into the fostex mr-8 digital recorder that I have. What other uses does a mixer have?
Sorry If I posted this in the wrong forum. I'm new to this site.
"Introduced in 1974, the Series 1 was a true classic, and caused
"Introduced in 1974, the Series 1 was a true classic, and caused something of a revolution at the time: Intended for live PA or location recording use, it was the first mass-produced console to be built in to its own flightcase, and even came with an optional 19-pair multicore cable with stagebox!
It was available in 12 or 16 input channels (some larger sizes were made), into 4 outputs (Main stereo plus ‘echo’ and foldback sends), and had 4-band fixed-frequency EQ. Four years later, the console was updated to the ‘1S’ and had an extra bus added to give a second foldback send, plus a 20ch version was available. The 1S was also the first console to use the classic Soundcraft 4-band, 2 swept mids EQ." From soundcraft's website...
I can't see why you wouldn't be able to put it in a wooden box. I guess the best way to find out would be to leave the mixer on awhile in the current case and see if it heats up. If it doesn't you should be fine. The only concern I might have is this: is the mixer grounded to the chasis (metal box...)? If so, you may have to come up with another grounding solution...
Those mixers actually came in two versions. One is the mobile ve
Those mixers actually came in two versions. One is the mobile version you are speaking of and the other was a table mount version. I had both versions and it is a great board or at least is was when I had one 25 years ago. I would leave it in the box it came in for RF and EMI shielding. The case was specially made for the unit and works well inside of it. If you do decide to move it to a wooden box for some reason it would probably be a good idea to line it with iron bearing metal for shielding. Since that is more trouble than it is worth just leave it in the metal shipping case. There were lots of mods for the board to make it even better and one involved putting in a separate ground wire from each input module to a central location instead of paralleling them though the ribbon cable. There were others involving changing out ICs and some caps but would only be worth it if you were having problems doing what you want with the board.
Hope this helps.
Seems to me it's pin 3 hot. It's been a while so could be wrong.
Seems to me it's pin 3 hot. It's been a while so could be wrong.
Roly wrote: Seems to me it's pin 3 hot. It's been a while so cou
what' does that mean?
hi tom Someone else will likely be better at answering your que
hi tom
Someone else will likely be better at answering your question so help me out here folks if my answer is iffy.
Pin 3 carries the positive phase of the balanced output and pin 2 carries the negitave phase. Won't matter if you are connecting to other balanced gear but it may cause a problem if you are connecting to unbalanced gear.
If you are connecting say to a piece with unbalanced 1/4" inputs build an adaptor that has pin 2 and pin 1 connected to the sleve and pin 3 connected to the tip. (that's if I am right about it being pin 3 hot)
ps I owned one years ago and it worked nicely for live stuff but I don't know if it will be quiet enough for recording. Also, I think you will regret not keeping the case.
Roly wrote: hi tom Someone else will likely be better at answer
yeah. i still don't really understand what you're saying since i'm new to all of this.
i decided i'm going to keep the box, so its no problem.
well, i haven't been able to test it all out yet, but using the headphones, there's a slight buzz that doesn't seem too loud. i don't think it'll cause a probelm when i'm recording. it doesn't matter though, since i wont' be recording anything that'll be sold or anything.
hi, would anyone recommend this mixer for home use with just a f
hi, would anyone recommend this mixer for home use with just a few synths ? Does it have a warm and musical sound and would I find it too noisy? I want an old desk that colors the sound, but not one that's so noisy as to be unusable.