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the subject line really says it all.

I'm recording violin what equipment would you use if the violin was great the player was great and the room was good. no budget.

now if you had a;
seb 4000e
Mackie vlzpro
and an old Tascam m35


RCA 74b
2 hm1s
2 c4
3 sm57s
1 m9
1 nt1a


anonymous Wed, 07/27/2005 - 18:21

Neumann M50
Nuemann U69 Room Mic
GML Mic Pre
Lavry A/D

and a lot of patience for editing later. I haven't done a serious classical project in 20 years where I haven't sat with the score for several hours editing.

With the gear you have, I'd seriously consider renting some gear and don't fear charging your client for it.

What is the scope of the Project?

frob Wed, 07/27/2005 - 22:08

she is the member of a indie rock band in a genra they like to call exparamental clasical. and unforunatly a am the producer/maneger/engineer we cannot affourd to rent anything. fortunatly there is no score prewritten. think of it as the lead insterment happens to be a beethoven style solo violin.

atlasproaudio Wed, 07/27/2005 - 22:45

frob wrote:
im recording violin what equipment would you use if the violin was great the player was great and the room was good. no budget.

Absolutely no budget?

Great River 1NV

This is for relatively close applications.

If you are able or prefer to be futher away (such as in a traditional classical situation) you could also use a preamp or microphone with more 'air', the Buzz Audio MA2.2 TX and the new Josephson C617 Omni is an excellent combination in a great sounding hall.
