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Hi there.Hope you're doing well.Keep up the good work.Always press that button when you go to the lavatory.Don't dribble or sweat.Don't overdo it.Always record in the red. or blue . .

Here are the current scores,, we've made some adjustments and these are now locked in. .


MHUGHES : 25 points

MIKE AT THE CAVE : 30 points

ZEMLIN : 45 points

THE BEAST: 45 points

FREAKY: 90 points

DAVID FRENCH : 95 points



Each of these questions is worth a different amount of points .
Pick one AND ONLY ONE.
Answer it as best you can,,, according to the guidelines.
We cannot have two people answering the same questions,, so please avoid that.
We will NOT ACCEPT answers that do not abide to our guidlines.
If you CHEAT you may be disqualified,, which would be a very sad thing to do . . disgraceful in fact .
So please don't try any smartass antics for they will not benefit you in the long run .
...>Or will they ? 8)

1/ What do you consider to be the best song of all time and why?
( No less than thirty words )

2/ What do you consider to be the best Beatles album and why?
( No less than thirty words )

3/ Is Tom Hanks a good actor ?
( 'YES' or 'NO' only thanks )

4/ What's the best John Carpenter film ? (director)
( Just the tiltle and year thanks )

Your time starts NOW,
Don't hesitate act fast. :lol: 8-)

Topic Tags


Sebatron Wed, 10/13/2004 - 13:05

Well done to everyone ,,, some of those posts had me laughing for a very long time…..
The laughter compensates for the pain… :lol: 8-)

I got my decibel meter out and measured my laughter intensity in relation to every post.Then I multiplied it by the entertainment factor and finally divided by the constant ‘ C ‘for Crapometer intensity……That’s how I worked out the scores…. :lol:

These are the NOT NEGOTIABLE scores direct from the sponsor:


ZEMLIN : 110


BRI : 130




Keep up the great work and try to avoid too much moisture where you store all your microphones.
Read the instructions before opening any jars in sunlight …… and don’t forget to keep your signal chains as short as possible for best transient response. 8)



There are four main moons of Jupiter.
If you answer first you must name the largest.
If you answer second you must name the second largest.
If you answer third you must name the third largest.
If you answer fourth you must name the fourth largest.

The style and font shall be the one that’s in the first post. ….. it sets up the mood ……
However the colour RED is preferred. ( possible bonus points )..
In other words you must copy the style of the first post…… whoever that may be and whatever style they decide to choose….
YOU MAY EDIT AND CORRECT YOUR POSTS TO SUIT…. However excessive editing may result in a loss of points.

If the four consecutive posts are in the right order and you guys have got your shit together in a ‘ Collective ‘ sense …… I will award the first four participants an extra 10 bonus points each ,,, and an extra 10 points for the person who answers first ……
This question could be worth up to 80 points if it works out right,,
If it fouls up ,, you only have yourselves to blame.
It could be worth as little as 30 points.

Your time starts now.
Get to it. 8)

Bri Wed, 10/13/2004 - 15:07

Hey Seb, speaking of moons, there's somethin' that's gonna bug me forever if I don't ask you about it.

Right before question #6, you posted: "When the moon becomes lame, and a quarter of its size, another question will be posted, and another chance for the prize." I assumed you were telling us exactly when you were going to the time of the last quarter moon.

According to my data(forgive me if it is incorrect), the time of the last quarter moon in Melbourne(Australian Eastern Standard Time) was Wed. Oct. 6, at 20:12, which was 10:12am GMT. You ultimately posted question six on Wed Oct. 6, at 12:03pm hour and 51 minutes past the last quarter moon. I hung around here for an hour after the last quarter moon time, figured your quote wasn't significant(!), then finally had to crash...thus missed the question.

Humbly, did you mean to post at the exact time of the last quarter moon, and purposely didn' the opportunity for extra points if anyone noticed? Or was I reading too much into it. Whether it was intentional or not, I just wanted you to put my mind at ease.

Thanks again Sebatron. 8-)

Maybe a few points for the emotional distress? :wink:

Bri Wed, 10/13/2004 - 16:54

Hey Freaky!

I sincerely hope it didn't sound like I was complaining...there were no such thoughts I assure you. Still tryin' to get my bearings around here. I definitely do not want to be out of line in any way.

In regards to Seb's posts, in the beginning, the times did vary a little more, but like you've pointed out, he seems to have gravitated toward the "three hour window." Of course, considering how fast you all are, more erratic post times may actually be of help to me. :wink:

Coincidentally, yesterday, I took a gander at the previous giveaway. I understand what it was like...way out of my league. You definitely have my respects, my friend! 8-) :)


Sebatron Mon, 10/18/2004 - 13:23


Answer one of the four questions.
Only one.

Try not to answer one that has already been answered.
.....try to be as accurate as you can without using too many words.
I will accept only the first four posts as answers …..
Each question starts at twenty points ,,, then may be worth as much as eighty points if style is classy and original and itallics ARE NOT used.
The secret number is : 49327708.
Green is a nice colour today...... maybe a darker shade this time...... take it easy on the bold as well..........

*Why are fish so intelligent? (30 points )

*What lies at the bottom of the sea and shakes? (40 points )

*What has no beginning, end or middle and touches every continent? (40 points )

*Why is it so easy to weigh trout and snapper? (30 points )

Your time starts now.
Get to it. :lol:

anonymous Mon, 10/18/2004 - 13:27

Why are fish so intelligent?

Because they travel in schools!!

But seriously...

Fish do not deserve their reputation as the dim-wits of the animal kingdom, a group of leading scientists believe.

Biologists Calum Brown, Keven Laland and Jens Krause wrote in the journal Fish and Fisheries:

"Gone (or at least obsolete) is the image of fish as drudging and dim-witted pea-brains, driven largely by 'instinct' with what little behavioural flexibility they possess being severely hampered by an infamous 'three-second memory'.

"Now, fish are regarded as steeped in social intelligence, pursuing Machiavellian strategies of manipulation, punishment and reconciliation, exhibiting stable cultural traditions and co-operating to inspect predators and catch food."

Recent research showed fish could recognise "shoal mates" and were aware of the "social prestige" of others.

They had also been observed using tools and showed impressive long-term memories, the scientists said.

Sebatron Tue, 10/19/2004 - 12:04


There are four questions.Do your best.The same rules apply.

A + 10 = B
B divided by CCXXXIII = C
What is the value of ‘ C ‘ ?

B/ Pick the odd one out:
a) brick
b) clay
c) sand
d) glass

C/ Who invented the toothbrush?

D/ What is the secret number?

Your time starts now.
Get to it.
Only first four posts accepted. :?