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Mastering workflow Part 2 - with Samplitude tools

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Submitted by pcrecord on Tue, 03/19/2019 - 11:43

Hi gang,

This is an attempt at mastering while explaining the process and using only Samplitude plugins..
Tell me what you think ! (remember I'm not a ME ! ;)

My main missing things are
LUFS metering
M/S processing
Having long peak holds on the spectrum analyser.


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kmetal, post: 460606, member: 37533 wrote: Nice work marco, i enjoyed this. I am curious what your process is when your using more than just the stock magix plugs.

I'm usually using Ozone and Fabfilter L2 on the masterbuss and EQ on the songs (at object level)
I'm not pretending to be good at it, but it seems to do the job for those who don't want to pay a real ME ;)

Fri, 03/22/2019 - 04:53 Permalink
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pcrecord, post: 460607, member: 46460 wrote: I'm usually using Ozone and Fabfilter L2 on the masterbuss and EQ on the songs (at object level)
I'm not pretending to be good at it, but it seems to do the job for those who don't want to pay a real ME ;)

If the mixer is any good, the ME shouldn't have to do anything at all right!?

Do you use a maximizer?

Fri, 03/22/2019 - 14:02 Permalink