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I'm searching for a cheap (somewhere around 50-150 Euro) dynamic mic that I can use for female vocals (not thin ones, at that) for rehearsals. But I would also like to use it as a second mic in my project studio (the first one seems to be the AT3035). So my question is : what mic would be OK for rehearsals with a female vocalist, but would be as good as it can get (considering the price range) as a second mic for Micing amps and such.

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CoyoteTrax Wed, 06/22/2005 - 12:26

You can never lose going with an SM57 or 58. The 57's versatility is superb and I like the 57 even on some of the more unusual instruments like woodwinds and especially flutes. The Audix I-5 is a great dynamic instrument mic and doesn't do too bad for female vocals with a decent mic pre behind it.

I actually favor EV mics like the 367 or 767 for vocals but it doesn't carry as much versatility as a 57 or an I-5.


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