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It's been quite a while since I reared my ugly head around here :)
Anyway, I have a budget around $1600 and need 3 mic preamps. I've been considering many things, and would appreciate any input from this forum.
Some of my ideas have included:
> Vintech Neve 1272 and Drawmer MX60
> UA 1-610 and PreSonus MP20
> Langevin Dual Vocal Channel and...well, there goes my budget :)

T. Alan


Guest Tue, 01/22/2002 - 13:30

One more option to consider: the February 2002 issue of Electronic Musician reviews the Demeter HM-1 2 channel tube hybrid preamp. What is odd about this is that this is a model that has been out for years, and is about to be upgraded to the HXM-1. Of course, in the same issue, EM is finally getting around to reviewing Pro-Tools 5.1, so I guess they have their own tempo for doing things. Anyway, I've had an HM-1 for about three years, and given the $1000 street price, I think it is an excellent value. In a sidebar, the EM review says the upgraded HXM model will cost about $100 more

"...for various component upgrades, including improved output transistors, (and) an additional capacitor said to extend the unit's bass response..."

My only quibble with my older unit was a that it was a tad shy in headroom. The newer model appears to be more robust. But even the older unit has a great sound that is warm without lacking in detail - in my experience it is the class of that price range. It has some nice features too, like both input gain and output volume, 10 segment LED metering, pads, polarity, HPF, and an input overload LED - all in a solid 1 rack space box.

Can't argue with the Vintech 1272 either - outstanding value - but it leaves you a little less for that 3rd preamp. With the $600 left over, you could look at some of the Meek or Symetrix voice processor stuff , or the Grace 101.

Guest Tue, 01/22/2002 - 17:50

Neve pre gossip.. Rupert is coming out with a stereo pre / comp combo sometime in the future (mucho$$$ probably) he is reported to be VERY pleased with it as it breaks all previous spec's ever...(whatever that means!)

Er... of the above list my vote goes for the UA as I am a Beach Boy fan and they had a UA desk at Sunset Sound did'nt they? :) I've never heard the re issues, so my sugestion is not very serious & based on musical nostagia only!



anonymous Wed, 01/23/2002 - 05:35

Funny enough I just got off the phone with them. The RNMP is with-in weeks (3-4) of production. Single pre $400 - $500 range. Their local heavy weights (not disclosed other than saying they were Grammy winners :roll: ) have done putting it through testing and are of course raving. "Hit it out of the ballpark" I believe was the quote. What else would they say? I'm sure it's true though. I own two RNC's and use them all the time.

Would most likely make a great addition to anything you've listed above.

BTW, I have to mention that my API's are blowin my away :eek: ! The depth! Lovin it. A nice contrast to the Vintech.


planet red Wed, 01/23/2002 - 07:03

You could get 3 john hardy pres minus meters and output transformers (that can both be added later) for $350 each plus $525 for the power supply/rack thing. It would put you a couple hundred over your 1600 mark but they are really nice well respected preamps and adding another one later would be cheap. You could also add the output trannies later to a couple of them for two different sounds (they run $100).

anonymous Thu, 01/24/2002 - 05:02

Originally posted by planet red:
You could get 3 john hardy pres minus meters and output transformers (that can both be added later) for $350 each plus $525 for the power supply/rack thing. It would put you a couple hundred over your 1600 mark but they are really nice well respected preamps and adding another one later would be cheap. You could also add the output trannies later to a couple of them for two different sounds (they run $100).

I was just thinking of a similar set-up with an API rack.
Either way, I just can't justify quite that much for pres for my budget :( .

T. Alan

anonymous Thu, 01/24/2002 - 06:38

This is not from first hand experience, but I know some folks have been grabbing the Trident-MTA close-out stock at It's under the Scratch and Dent link, but is actually new, dis-continued stock. The Signature Two is a dual mic pre/4 band EQ for $629, and the reports I've heard on it were all positive. That would leave you a grand to buy a single premium channel, say a Hardy M1, Averill API or 1272. HTH

Mad John Thu, 01/24/2002 - 08:51

MR. Smith,

I do not know your exact direction here , but I am a 2-610 owner and I can only madly rave about this product!!

The single 610 (I think) would add ritchness and Color so open you will fall over!

Watch every one - The Universal 2-610 is going to be famous , it just needs time to catch on!

Mad John
Zythum Studios

"The present day Composer refuses to die!"
Edgar Varese - 1921

anonymous Mon, 01/28/2002 - 03:51

Originally posted by CarmenC:
Three Joemeek VC1Q's.
$1600.00 new.
John Mellencamp used 8 of them on his new album.
Awesome vocal sound.
I love mine...

Not bad... That would, in effect, give me three complete channel strips :) .
As much as I would like to have a VC1q, I would also like to round myself out more by having different colors to work with.
Pairing one of those with the Sytek unit would work out well too :) .


T. Alan

hollywood_steve Mon, 01/28/2002 - 20:22

My opinion of the "best" you could do would be to purchase 3 API 312 modules from Brent Averill for $1600 and change. Unfortunately, you will not be able to use them until you come up with another $400 for a used API or BA rack and power supply for the modules.


for the same $1600, you could purchase one Telfunken V76 tube preamp and two Telefunken V276 solid state modules. For that much cash, you should have little trouble getting all 3 modules in "ready to go" condition with a 2 channel power supply for the 276 units. (the tube models hae internal power supplies).


anonymous Wed, 01/30/2002 - 11:56

How about the 2-channel [=""]Buzz Audio MA-2.2 True Class A Microphone Amplifier[/]="http://www.buzzaudi…"]Buzz Audio MA-2.2 True Class A Microphone Amplifier[/]. Last I checked, with exchange rates to USD, plus shipping and insurance, the cost came out to $1234 USD. (An additional $70 import tax may or may not apply.)

You'd have $300 left for a [[url=http://="http://www.joemeek…"]Joemeek TP47 TrakPak (includes the VC3Q, JM47, and shock mount all in one case)[/]="http://www.joemeek…"]Joemeek TP47 TrakPak (includes the VC3Q, JM47, and shock mount all in one case)[/].

If you believe in reviews, there's a link on the Buzz Audio website to a [=""]Studio Sound article[/]="http://www.buzzaudi…"]Studio Sound article[/]. And the [[url=http://="http://www.buzzaudi…"]user comments[/]="http://www.buzzaudi…"]user comments[/] are interesting as well.