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Trident -65 console?

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Submitted by Mad John on Wed, 04/24/2002 - 18:29

Just wondering if anyone can tell me about this console? This is the 24x16. does that indicate that there are 16 XLR pres?


Mad John
Zythum Studios

"The present day Composer refuses to die!" - Edgar Varese - 1921


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Hi John,

I have a Trident 65 in my studio. It's a 32x16 which indicates it has 32 channnels and 16 Buses. The board also has 32 direct outs so whether you are using the buses for tracking or not is a matter of choice.
The board sounds very good. Far from the thin sound of modern budget desks (Mackie, Behringer). The preamps are usable too sweet - depending on the application. I think the board sounds very full, if not a little too full. Cutting the low mids on some channels usually helps out. The EQ section is pretty basic (Hi+Low Shelf @ 100Hz and 10K and two semiparametric mid bands + Low cut filter up to 400Hz) but sounds sweet.
All in all the console is really great, especially if you get a good price for it. If you are coming from the Mackie (as far as I recall) the Trident will be the holy grail in comparision.
You can also do a lot of upgrades and mods to the console if you feel like that, so do some research on rap or have a look at Here you can get some more info. Best of luck.


Wed, 04/24/2002 - 23:02 Permalink