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Hi all, I will ask another (boring, repetitive?) question..
Allowing my budgetary constraints I cannot afford an x-2...
so I am looking at the vmp-1000e as a single mic preamp.
I will mainly be using this with electric acoustic and classical guitars..
The main mic's for the guitar amps will be standard sm57's and an e609.
Have a sontronics sigma ribbon on the way too..
Want a good condensor - the "other" part of the budget will be set aside for a decent condensor... something leaning towards not so bright...
(Yes I am another prefer it warm leaning to dark than bright).
Would the vmp-1000 be a good match to these requirements? (I am aware that there are a million other factors that forum posts dont cover - but - such is life :- )
Any other suggestions or items to compare this particular unit to?


Sebatron Fri, 09/21/2007 - 09:53

To make room for more Sebatron releases in the near future we are considering terminating the production of the vmp-1000e and vmp-1000e VU.

It appears as though the economic viability is somewhat restricted for a single channel unit without comprimising the audio path or making the unit more expensive....
..or so the accountants tell me .... :evil:

So I'd like it to be known that we have a limited number of production stock of the vmp-1000e and vmp-1000eVU available.
Please enquire at your nearest dealer or email us at
if you are interested in any seconds before I give them to the Salvos.
