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Time to buy a new pop filter, just curious what the preferred model/brand is? Thanks. 8-)

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moonbaby Wed, 12/07/2005 - 06:59

The Stedman ProScreen works great. It is a washable, rugged metal version of those nylon-mesh types. But it has specially-designed louvers in the screen that keep plosives away from the mic. It is the same screen that Royer markets for their mics. You wouldn't think that there would be so much difference in the performance of something so simple, but there is!

Calgary Wed, 12/07/2005 - 13:24

Wow that Pauly superscreen is really something. I think I'll look into ordering one of those. Might be expensive but if it delivers exceptional results consistently, it's definitely worth a few extra bucks. I think I'll grab 2 Stedmans and a Royer also for doing interviews/podcasts, plus then I'll have a selection of different ones around which is something I always like. Thanks everyone! 8-)

anonymous Wed, 12/07/2005 - 16:29

I can see wanting to invest in a washable pop filter, just because with a rotating string of vocalists touching up to it and phlegming all over it, the idea of a many-times-used pop filter is icky. The Stedman looks great. :D

Some of these screens that seem to use 'sonic character' as a selling point though? Come on now....


anonymous Fri, 12/16/2005 - 20:58

I like DIY stuff. Here's what happens when you take the wife's nylons idea (actually $1 at the Dollar Store, since I don't have a wife) and go with an embroidery hoop instead of a wire hanger:

I could've "classed it up" a bit (ie. removing the stickers from the back of the clip, using something other than a foldback clip to attach the hoop to the gooseneck) but it was working and I thought, "meh, might as well record instead."

Yes, that's a consumer-grade keyboard in the background. :lol:

TeddyG Sat, 12/17/2005 - 12:35

Nice job, Greg! Did you "go one better" than the coat hanger and use a "needlepoint" frame, from the craft store?

Also, what' s the mic? Looks nice!

I appreciate the comments on the "Super Screen", I'll have a look at it, at least - have been considering the Stedman(Though as just my snot gets on my screen, 'washable" don't matter much to me... ha..?). One advantage of needing only one of things(I do VO), is that I can, sometimes, spend a bit more on the accessories.....


anonymous Sun, 12/18/2005 - 10:58

Here's a pic of some of what I used:

I took it after the actual pop shield had been made though. That was simply an embroidery/needlepoint hoop (as you guessed!) which was $1 at Wal-Mart. The lamp was something I bought to use as a lamp, but it didn't fit where I wanted it to go, so it was destined to collect dust. I remember it being $5 at Staples/Business Depot.

So, ~$10 CDN if you buy all the components, or less if you already own or can 'liberate' from somebody (ie. nylons from your wife).

A 'budget' filter from the music store isn't really all that much more expensive. $15 for the goose-neck and $10 for the actual filter brings you up to $25. If I didn't already have the parts, the more reasonable options would have been:

1 - an actual coat-hanger, and maybe the embroidery hoop
2 - the budget music-store solution

But since I was already partway there, it was worth it for me to just 'make' the whole thing, plus it was kind of fun for a half-hour project.

The microphone is nothing special, just an Apex (ie. cheap-a$$) medium-diaphragm that came in a 'studio pak' along with 2 pencil condensers. Since we're on the subject, I ended up making a mic case for the microphones, too. Did I mention I like DIY stuff? It turned out pretty well:


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