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What would be the fastest slot to run my RMEraydat on this mobo?

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TheJackAttack Thu, 03/08/2012 - 11:27

Not all versions of Visual Basic run exactly the same especially with regards to .net versions. It could very well be that Sonar utilizes older versions and hence why it keeps installing the file in question. It will be updated or abandoned if Sonar updates the program code to utilize newer sub routines. Don't get twisted up about this file. It is a bit of missing the forest for the trees.

offcenter2005 Thu, 03/08/2012 - 11:33

I wasnt too worried about it, i was just wondering why it installed on the d drive which is my audio drive instead of the c drive where i installed sonar at. I just read that to move it you have to do a registry change but im not comfortable messing with it. There is a folder in my C drive that contains msdia90.dll and msdia100.dll files but like i said moving it and changing the registry is something i really know nothing about yet.

djmukilteo Thu, 03/08/2012 - 11:36

I agree with JackAttack, just leave it, again you don't know what it's doing and deleting stuff or moving it somewhere else when you have no idea what it's for is just asking for trouble coming out of the blue.
There are a million files in your computer that you have no idea what they don't get too wrapped up looking for problems that don't exist and that you don't understand.
It's a bad habit!
Install your programs using default recommended settings and move on to using the software.

TheJackAttack Thu, 03/08/2012 - 11:39

Changing the registry is not rocket science. For the novice it is scary. Print out the instructions-do not write them out to prevent errors. Back up the registry-very easy to do and you should add a date to whatever name you call it. Follow the instructions EXACTLY including capital letters. Save and do a cold reboot. Now if you have already copied the dll file to the correct location then you are ready to go. It would appear since there is already a conversation about this elsewhere that it is a common known program assembly error.

Alternatively you could uninstall the whole thing, delete the registry entries for Sonar in both HKEY Current User and HKEY Local Machine. Then disconnect your extra drives temporarily. Install Sonar. Verify it is functioning. Reattach all audio/library drivers.

offcenter2005 Thu, 03/08/2012 - 11:49

That is what i was going to ask about next. I think i need to reinstall sonar because when doing the installation i missed a step and added some stuff that i didnt want. So if i just disconect the other drives then the file will be forced to go on the c drive? Being an out of date file shouldn't be a concern? Im definitely not looking to make things more complex i just want a smooth and stable machine because Ive delt with a really crappy system that i used to use and it would kill so many writing sessions. This jump from an old pc to this new one is a little intimidating and i just want to learn how to use it fully.

TheJackAttack Thu, 03/08/2012 - 12:05

offcenter2005, post: 385906 wrote: Being an out of date file shouldn't be a concern? Im definitely not looking to make things more complex

Dinna fuss yerself laddie! Oiy!

You are making more complex than it needs to be. Get over it. You're fretting like a guitar player over whether to install a NOS Philips tube from the first half of 1958 or the second half of 1958. As neurotic as a sax player over reeds and ligatures. As neurotic as audiokid over high end analog gear (thumb). I think I've made my point.

If you want to reinstall to change features that's fine. Follow like I outlined. Uninstall, delete the registry entries, disconnect the auxiliary drives, reinstall, reconnect the aux drives.

offcenter2005 Thu, 03/08/2012 - 13:30

You dont have to be an electrician to turn on a light but it helps to know how to change the bulb if it blows. I hope you get my point :cool:. I just spent 3600 dollars on new equipment and i dont think trying to learn a thing or ten is hurting anyone with the knowledge to help. Im not neurotic im inquisitive and that is how you learned im sure. I appreciate your help but being condescending dont help anyone who is just looking to hone in their skills and setup. And obviously icaught something thst is a known programing fault made by cakewalk. So i dont think that is such a bad thing.

djmukilteo Thu, 03/08/2012 - 13:49

offcenter2005, post: 385914 wrote: You dont have to be an electrician to turn on a light but it helps to know how to change the bulb if it blows. I hope you get my point :cool:. I just spent 3600 dollars on new equipment and i dont think trying to learn a thing or ten is hurting anyone with the knowledge to help. Im not neurotic im inquisitive and that is how you learned im sure. I appreciate your help but being condescending dont help anyone who is just looking to hone in their skills and setup. And obviously icaught something thst is a known programing fault made by cakewalk. So i dont think that is such a bad thing.

Is this directed at me or JackAttack or both of us?

offcenter2005 Thu, 03/08/2012 - 13:53

JackAttack. You have been extremely helpful. I know that im asking questions that most of you guys know and its frustrating but i really am just trying to learn. I dont want want to be made to feel stupid when i already dont know that much about what im doing setting this stuff up. I apologize. You have been great helping me.

djmukilteo Thu, 03/08/2012 - 14:31

I don't really want or "have to" speak for JackAttack but I think he was just pointing out in tongue n cheek fashion, that perhaps you are fretting over nothing, which I believe you are.
To tell you the truth it's been 10 pages of fretting over nothing....but that's fine...nothing wrong with that.
But you did choose to build this computer and do this on your own and your asking questions, so no need to be defensive now!
Your system is working! isn't it! Has it crashed or caught on fire?
If you don't want the occasional poke or slam, you either need to stop or get a little more thick skinned and you have to realize there will always be someone questioning your understanding and comment that maybe you shouldn't even be doing this.
The alternative to that is we all just ignore you and let you dig your own demise..
There is nothing wrong with you learning how to change your light bulb, but you should be careful about modifying the wiring to the light bulb if you don't fully understand it.
In this case I had no idea what that file was, so I looked it up....after finding out it was an old Visual C++ file that Sonar installed for old 3rd party legacy plugins, I would have next found out which one that was and see if I had that 3rd party plugin. (which I seriously doubted you had) Then if I did I would leave it alone and if I didn't have it I would ignore it or delete it.
Either way, it doesn't is forest for the you don't have enough info or complete understanding yet to even do anything about it. What plugin(s) is it that requires this?
It's sort of like looking at the light bulb thats on and trying to decide if it's on or not.

djmukilteo Thu, 03/08/2012 - 15:02

offcenter2005, post: 385918 wrote: Im not confrontational i just want to get this running so i can write music. Its a new world to me with this newer gear and im a little lost with some of it. I am sorry i dont want to offend anyone. And i can pass this on to others who need the help.

No problem, I'm not trying to offend you either...
BTW did you post someplace with your music?
I found it!

offcenter2005 Thu, 03/08/2012 - 15:27

Im a new member and a little hazing is ok with me. But im far from clueless about a lot of things and i learn quick but like i said Im 2 weeks into this build. Going from a 10 year old computer to this new one is space age stuff to me. I really appreciate the help im getting and I just want to keep asking questions to people who already have done this before. I can play well on many instruments now i want to get it to tape you know? The setup ihave is so much more complex than what ive been used to and just want it to not stop me when i am inspired and writing. Sorry for the miscommunication I just figured when i found someone eager to help me i could pick your brain to help me along. Belive me i have thick skin but Im just learning the technical part of the computer setup.

offcenter2005 Thu, 03/08/2012 - 15:58

djmukilteo, post: 385926 wrote: Yeah I found your Soundcloud page a few pages back and clicked a "Follow"
Nice recordings....good sound and mix..I especially liked Cross the line.

So how far are you away from plugging into the computer now with the A&H and ADA's?

Ive got most of it setup. I just have to plug in the converters. Im not too sure about that either though. I dont know if the raydat should be master or the converters. And if i run a cable from the out of the raydat to the in of the converter and out of that back into the raydat. I figured since there are four sets of in outs on the raydat thats how it goes but not sure. Then setting up sonar and raydat together. Its a little overwhelming but ill get it. I just want to get to recording soon. Its like a drug and im jonesing to write.

Thanks about liking the music. I think with this new setup i can really polish those songs up. They are mostley scratch tracks that i did a little post work on but always ran out of power with my old computer.

TheJackAttack Thu, 03/08/2012 - 16:51

offcenter2005, post: 385914 wrote: You dont have to be an electrician to turn on a light but it helps to know how to change the bulb if it blows. I hope you get my point :cool:. I just spent 3600 dollars on new equipment and i dont think trying to learn a thing or ten is hurting anyone with the knowledge to help. Im not neurotic im inquisitive and that is how you learned im sure. I appreciate your help but being condescending dont help anyone who is just looking to hone in their skills and setup. And obviously icaught something thst is a known programing fault made by cakewalk. So i dont think that is such a bad thing.

I don't take this as confrontational. But then I'm a Gyrene by nature and we have a whole other level of confrontational we get used to.

I was perhaps too subtly for your intensity level telling you to relax. I usually do that by yanking a few chains. I understand this is a big step and you're as excited as a kid at Christmas (or Hannukah or Kwanza or whatever). Did reinstallation fix the issue or did you choose to alter the registry?

offcenter2005 Thu, 03/08/2012 - 17:54

TheJackAttack, post: 385939 wrote: I don't take this as confrontational. But then I'm a Gyrene by nature and we have a whole other level of confrontational we get used to.

I was perhaps too subtly for your intensity level telling you to relax. I usually do that by yanking a few chains. I understand this is a big step and you're as excited as a kid at Christmas (or Hannukah or Kwanza or whatever). Did reinstallation fix the issue or did you choose to alter the registry?

Im not easily offended at all. I appreciate these forums as a learning tool. I didnt want to come off as defensive. Im not a vet if that was your meaning of Gyrene but I have had a lot of run ins on other forums with know it all kind of people who live to talk s*%t on the net. Im sure that wasnt your intention. Im am less excited and more feeling like setting this up is a roadblock for me to get past so i can record. Its either burying myself in a computer and getting my emotions out through music or climbing a clock tower. Its just not an easy transition for me considering my past system. I have mix and mastering sessions waiting for me to get this together. I could figure this out myself but my time restraints kind of force me to ask others so i can put some speed on this setup. I am glad you guys are here to help, honestly. I know that this has turned into a long thread but i just dont want to mess things up. And sonar x1 has proven to be way more complex than previous versions on top of the fact that I have never used a 3 drive system.

offcenter2005 Thu, 03/08/2012 - 18:22

That site has so many rude, its my way or your an idiot outlook and they have no idea what they are talking about. The famed drummer guy there said that the room you record in is more important than anything. I agree the room has a lot to do with a good drum sound but not anymore important than mic placement and tuning and a thousand other variables. I dont like that kind of mind set. Music changes and evolves with experimentation. No one way is the right way. You guys have given great answers that maybe i havent fully understood yet but i will. Ill have more questions if you guys dont mind?

TheJackAttack Thu, 03/08/2012 - 18:48

I didn't think you were a vet. That's me. We don't ever really get it out of our system. Sort of like once you've done a tour with Courtney Love sticking the mic into the main speaker stacks you will ALWAYS ride the mute button during a live show.

Ask any question you like. I may be on occasion sarcastic or yank someone's chain, but I hope never to emulate a GS forum thread. That is true of all the Mod's here.

offcenter2005 Thu, 03/08/2012 - 19:16

TheJackAttack, post: 385953 wrote: I didn't think you were a vet. That's me. We don't ever really get it out of our system. Sort of like once you've done a tour with Courtney Love sticking the mic into the main speaker stacks you will ALWAYS ride the mute button during a live show.

Ask any question you like. I may be on occasion sarcastic or yank someone's chain, but I hope never to emulate a GS forum thread. That is true of all the Mod's here.

This by far is my favorite forum ive visited and I have gotten the best and most straight forward answers here than any other site. I dont mind a little chain yanking as long as there is a happy ending.:redface: Im installing sonar again and i have unhooked the the other drives to see if that random file will be forced into the right folder on the c drive. A little bit OCD on this but i dont like it being on the audio drive just in case it causes some unforeseen problem. Thank you guys for the help. Im glad that this forum has guys like you that actually know what they are doing. I posted another thread about the correct installation of sonar and where to put the files in the right places here but no replies. If you guys could help on that i would greatly appreciate it. After that its all plugins and a few other software installations. Then i can finally record.

hueseph Fri, 03/09/2012 - 18:57

Sorry. Don't have a lot of time to chime in these days. X1D update is available now. Just install it over the existing installation. Some very nice feature additions.

Personally, I had a lot of issues installing Sonar X1. I kept getting "cannot create file. File already exists" errors. It took me a while to figure out that just clicking retry would get it done............eventually. At any rate, X1 has been a good experience. Very few bugs and considerably less power hungry than Pro Tools. Seriously. PT would crash on 24 tracks. Pathetic. I have yet to run into a limit with Sonar.

offcenter2005 Sat, 03/10/2012 - 07:20

hueseph, post: 386034 wrote: Sorry. Don't have a lot of time to chime in these days. X1D update is available now. Just install it over the existing installation. Some very nice feature additions.

Personally, I had a lot of issues installing Sonar X1. I kept getting "cannot create file. File already exists" errors. It took me a while to figure out that just clicking retry would get it done............eventually. At any rate, X1 has been a good experience. Very few bugs and considerably less power hungry than Pro Tools. Seriously. PT would crash on 24 tracks. Pathetic. I have yet to run into a limit with Sonar.

Thanks for at least looking in on the thread. I got everything setup last night and can get sound. I am wondering what would be the advised way to sync the raydat and converters? Which should be the master and the slave? also what would you guys record in 44.1K or 48K at 16 or 24 bit? I have seen a thousand debates on this side of the process but getting your input would be great. Thanks. On the protools stuff, ive never used and dont want to. I know sonar and i think it seems to be every bit as good as protools. I know it its still industry standard but it seems that is because it was the first to incorperate a stable digital recording environment. If i worded that right. Ha! I always thought id like to try logic though. It seems to be a very good software but i have no experience with the mac side of digital recording.

TheJackAttack Sat, 03/10/2012 - 08:28

There isn't much debate on the bit rate. Go with 24. There are endless debates on sample rate. My rule of thumb is to go with multiples of your end target rate. If you are doing video even if it has a companion CD I would go with either 48 or 96k. If you aren't doing video then go with 44.1 or 88.2k. I personally use the double rates because of what I perceive as advantages in post production. If the size of the project is large then there isn't any problem with using single speeds. In fact there is no problem with using single speeds as a matter of norm unless - in my opinion- you use simultaneous vid/cd release. It is better to reduce 96k to either 48 or 44.1 than resample 48 to 44.1k.

Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk

djmukilteo Sat, 03/10/2012 - 11:30

Your Berhinger converters will only do 44.1 or 48 so that's your limitiation on the ADAT with that number of channels.
I would use 24bit 44.1khz, but you can certainly try 48khz afterwards and see if you notice any difference...I seriously doubt you will. From all the scientific debates nothing is truly gained going any higher than that.
There's was a great post recently by BobRogers here:

Not sure if you have both ADA8000's hooked up with all 16 channels going simultaneously yet, but I think you need to set those to ADAT IN as slaves and set the RayDAT to ADAT master mode.
To my thinking the RayDAT will be your best master clock to use. The RME SteadyClock, with it's autosync feature and low jitter PLL is highly regarded as the best in the industry, so I would be very surprised if the Berhinger clock circuitry even comes close.

I'm not sure about having two different ADA's though, you'll have to play around with it and see what works. According to the ADA manual, the word clock connector on the ADA is set up to "transmit" WC to another device like a digital mixer and act as a master, so I don't know how you would implement that with two ADA's and the RayDAT anyway, you'd need a WC distribution box or something...
Your best method will be the one that works right when your running audio into all 16 preamps and recording them in Sonar without a glitch...that can take a little experimenting to get right.
I would start at 24/44.1 and feed all 16 analog ins with signal (1khz sine wave would be good set at zero) and record all 16 tracks for like 5 minutes...that will be your test.
If you can do that without any pops or clicks or crashes your golden....then if you want to change things around and get crazy you can start pushing it....

offcenter2005 Sat, 03/10/2012 - 13:20

I set the behringers to slave adat in on both, ran the ins and out to the master card ins and outs. Set the raydat to 44.1k as master and and everything seems to be working well. 24 bit @ 44.1k in sonar and 64 sample buffer and the latency round trip is 3.6 milliseconds. No pops or drop outs so far. I haven't tried to setup all 16 the record at once yet and let it run but ill do that and see how that goes. Does that seem like the right way to set it up?

djmukilteo Sat, 03/10/2012 - 13:33

That is exactly how I would have done it...and it souinds like an amazing latency with 64 samples...that's fantastic!
I really don't think you could get it any better...
Yes test it with 16 sources running and then after that start adding plugins and see how many tracks and plugins you can do...that's also a good test and will show you how far you can push it and where the limits are with stability.

offcenter2005 Sat, 03/10/2012 - 13:41

djmukilteo, post: 386105 wrote: That is exactly how I would have done it...and it souinds like an amazing latency with 64 samples...that's fantastic!
I really don't think you could get it any better...
Yes test it with 16 sources running and then after that start adding plugins and see how many tracks and plugins you can do...that's also a good test and will show you how far you can push it and where the limits are with stability.

If i do end up with pops and clicks should I just raise the buffer to the next highest level? In the hdsp settings page there is a word clock out section that has one option for single speed. It is unchecked should it stay that way?

djmukilteo Sat, 03/10/2012 - 14:15

offcenter2005, post: 386107 wrote: If i do end up with pops and clicks should I just raise the buffer to the next highest level? In the hdsp settings page there is a word clock out section that has one option for single speed. It is unchecked should it stay that way?

Yes go to the next one up.
Your not using the word clock, so nothing to do there.
Your clocking sync is being done via the ADAT signal.
I'm curious to know if both ADA's are synced together via the RayDAT or if it translate each one separately.
Which ADAT ports are you using on the RayDAT?

offcenter2005 Sat, 03/10/2012 - 14:33

djmukilteo, post: 386108 wrote: Yes go to the next one up.
Your not using the word clock, so nothing to do there.
Your clocking sync is being done via the ADAT signal.
I'm curious to know if both ADA's are synced together via the RayDAT or if it translate each one separately.
Which ADAT ports are you using on the RayDAT?

If im unserstanding the question i just have my first behringer optical I/O ran to the first I/O on the main raydat card. Then the second behringer optical I/O ran to the second I/O on the other I/O on the main raydat card.